Barry was his usual self, a gentleman, and it was great to see him again. We can thank him for getting JS out to Carolier. He tends to avoid it because the synthetic approaches give him a lot of trouble. Even with Hurricane Irene dropping a ton of water on us, we managed to get together again.
Barry is giving me far too much credit. I mean, how do you help a 225+ average bowler? He brought only one ball & no spare ball and still managed to out score us. We weren't in a contest, just practicing to try to eliminate all our flaws. Barry just has so many fewer to remove than John and I do.
Since last visit (2 years ago?) Barry has completely changed his game, and, I think, for the better. To show how much fun it was, I expected to spend and hour to and hour and half there, since there was only 4 of us. By the time we left, 3 hours had flown by.
Thanks to Barry to taking time out from visiting his sisters here in NJ to visit with us. A pleasure as always.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."