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Author Topic: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest  (Read 3650 times)


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Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« on: July 08, 2008, 02:08:54 AM »
I bowled first at Rockaway Lanes and the shot there was a super easy walled up shot and very consistant. The house was kept in excellent condition, price was $3 a game and employees were very pleasant and professional.  I only brought the Hybrid Megaton with me since I was flying with only one bag.  Ball worked tremendous on their shot.

Then I had the pleasure of bowling with Charlest on the 4th of July at Carolier Lanes. I bowled there when I was a kid about 40 years ago. I was surprised how well the place looked. The shot there was a little longer an the Megatonmight not have been the right ball but the sht was still consistant.  I believe longer oil then at Rockaway.

Bowling with Charlest was great.  He has tremendous knowledge of the game and would make an outstanding coach.  He recognized the problem that I was having with my release and lucky for me, we spent some time workingon my follow through. It was great talking to Charlest about bowling and many other subjects outside of bowling. It was great to meet someone from Ballreviews that has the knowledge of Charlest and submits so many post on here.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2008, 07:59:07 AM »


I'll be in Vegas first week of August but sans bowling equipment. 40th anniversary and wife has every freaking second of those 6 days fully charted already. Type "A" behavior. Other than that, no trips scheduled in the near future. Sorry. But thanks for the invite. I know it's a standing one.
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Vegas in August? One word: OVEN!
Maybe next time...

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2008, 10:17:28 AM »

Only 5 hours away.  August: possibly between 106 and 110 degrees during the day. No kidding.  I'll be in Alaska last week of July first week on August.

I was riding cross country from NJ, to Niagra Falls through part of Canada down to Detroit all the way to Yellowstone and down to Vegas in August. Coming South on 15 and outside of Vegas it was 106.  The bond material of my rear tire melted and without getting a flat, I lost all the tread on my rear tire.  You would have thought it was a re-tread.

The walk through the Vegas strip at night is tremendous though.  During the day, I hope you're finding shelter.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2008, 10:32:12 AM »
(Mapquest shows 3 hours and 180 miles from me to generic Albany. NY. That's a lot closer that I thought.)

Jeff, that is a lot closer than from Oklahoma to NJ.
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"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2008, 10:44:55 AM »


I'll be in Vegas first week of August but sans bowling equipment. 40th anniversary and wife has every freaking second of those 6 days fully charted already. Type "A" behavior. Other than that, no trips scheduled in the near future. Sorry. But thanks for the invite. I know it's a standing one.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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Vegas in August? One word: OVEN!
Maybe next time...
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

Not my first, second or 49th choice. We're meeting friends from back home in Brooklyn we haven't seen in 25 years, who are also celebrating their 40th anniversary. So we'll try to stay in the A/C. Besides, it's a dry heat. If you think that doesn't matter, try mowing the lawn on one of these days when it's ONLY 85 degrees, but the humidity is 75%!!
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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2008, 10:47:07 AM »

Only 5 hours away.  August: possibly between 106 and 110 degrees during the day. No kidding.  I'll be in Alaska last week of July first week on August.

Lucky you!
Have a great trip!


I was riding cross country from NJ, to Niagra Falls through part of Canada down to Detroit all the way to Yellowstone and down to Vegas in August. Coming South on 15 and outside of Vegas it was 106.  The bond material of my rear tire melted and without getting a flat, I lost all the tread on my rear tire.  You would have thought it was a re-tread.

The walk through the Vegas strip at night is tremendous though.  During the day, I hope you're finding shelter.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Amazing about that tire.
We'll try to stay out of the heat. Thanks.
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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2008, 10:49:05 AM »
Jeff, let me know so I can plan to take the day off

Hustle (Me) and Flow (Sixcranker)

As soon as he tells me, I'll tell you.
You and I can go anytime, of course. Carolier seems to be oiling regularly (unlike during leagues. )
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Am I the "he"

The week of the 28th looks good for me. Pick a day and a place and I'm in.



How's the following week, Monday 7/28, Tuesday, 7/29 or Thursday, 7/31 for you?

FYI we, you and I, can still meet the previous week, if you also want. I'm up for either or both.

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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #37 on: July 09, 2008, 11:05:21 AM »
I agree about the "dry heat" thing. Many years ago I lived in the greater Houston area, and I'll take dry over humid any day!

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2008, 11:33:05 AM »
I agree about the humidity being a factor.  But so many people that think dr heat isn't that bad usually wind up with a very bad sunburn and sunburn ery quickly.  Also heat stroke is a major problem as well as dehydration that sneaks up on you because the water in your body is being sucked dry.

Just recommend if you're walking during heat of day to walk through some of the beautiful casinos and drink some water.


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Back from NJ and bowling with Charlest
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2008, 01:47:41 PM »
I agree about the humidity being a factor.  But so many people that think dr heat isn't that bad usually wind up with a very bad sunburn and sunburn ery quickly.  Also heat stroke is a major problem as well as dehydration that sneaks up on you because the water in your body is being sucked dry.

Just recommend if you're walking during heat of day to walk through some of the beautiful casinos and drink some water.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Of course, Thanks for the reminder.
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."