One of Many, "Back in the Day" Stories...
"Back in the day", I bowled on the Richardson Electronics team, out of Wooddale, Illinois. We had the same team sponsored by Richardson Electronics, every year for about 10 years. Richardson Electronics was a great sponsor, paid for our ABC entry every year.
One of my team members, old friend and man who lived to bowl, Richard "Dick" Guhl, was one of the most memorable characters I have had the pleasure to know in this great game of bowling.
He always wore a cowboy hat, and boots, chain-smoked, and had an ever-present long cigarette holder/filter (picture FDR) in his mouth. His passion in life was bowling, coffee and cigarettes. He was always ready to bowl.
In 1996, when we shot the ABC Tournament in Salt Lake City, Dick, was unusually happy, before the team event. He took me to the side and told me that he had something "BIG" planned...wouldn't tell me anymore.
He was one of those bowlers, who went down on one knee after every strike shot he threw, really wired . . . He always anchored the team.
We marched out to our lane assignments, and start bowling...Dick's getting really pumped up, but also, pretty agitated, as he couldn't carry a strike. But that was just Dick.
It was the 9th frame, when Dick finally threw a strike, he turned around with a big smile, but didn't say a thing.
Dick got up in the 10th frame and threw the first two strikes, by this time he was really juiced up. He throws the last ball in the 10th, buried up to his shoulder....10 flush in the pit.
I'll never forget the look on his face when he turned around at the foul line...ripped open his bowling shirt, buttons flying everywhere....He was wearing a Superman Shirt, complete with the big "S", as he reached back pulled the cape out of the back of his pants....Got down on one knee, and screamed "Who Hits Them Better"....
One memorable guy....
Duke Harding