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Author Topic: Back into Bowling after an 18-year Absence  (Read 730 times)


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Back into Bowling after an 18-year Absence
« on: September 16, 2010, 05:45:58 AM »
I'm a woman back into bowling after an 18-year absence.  Bowled in the summer and carried a 157 average.  Still using my ancient Columbia Yellow Dot.  I know I need a new ball.  My old ball just doesn't finish.  I'm right-handed, throw a finger tip, and my ball hooks a bit into the pocket.  Just doesn't "hit like a truck" as I've seen on here.  I've been throwing a 14 pound ball.  I'm 55 years old, so I can't go much heavier.  I haven't bought a bowling ball in over 20 years and I'm stumped as to what to buy.  Our lanes are medium oily.  Any help would be appreciated.