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Author Topic: Medium / Low Flare Layouts  (Read 13077 times)


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Medium / Low Flare Layouts
« on: December 04, 2016, 02:58:27 PM »
Anyone have any experiences with using medium or low flare layouts (ex. 90x2 1/4x45)?  Are they better for asyms vs symmetrical cores?  If used, what type of pattern used on?  If multiple patterns, how would you compare the performance when used on a lower volume pattern vs a house shot?

Thanks for your input



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Re: Medium / Low Flare Layouts
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2018, 10:10:37 PM »
I’d like some help with this too. I don’t know a whole lot about low flare layouts. I see people like them for shorter layouts, but what about the burn?

My weakest ball is a hyroad pin up. But our lanes today were fried and i had to gun it to stay right of the head pin and my elbow isn’t a fan.

My initial reaction was to assume I needed a weaker ball, but I’m actually wondering if something like another hyroad or a winner with a weak drill would be better.

The downside is that it would cost a little more but I’m wondering if that’d be more worth it to have the better core in the ball for through the pin action

I really like the Hy-road too but I understand why you would consider something weaker. You could go pin down and longer pin to pap with another Hy-road or the pearl but I don't think you will see a significant difference when things start to dry out a lot. Staying in the Storm/Rotogrip lineup you might want to try something like the Match-up or Hustle balls. They are similar in RG as the Hy-road but with a weaker cover and a bit less diff. There are other companies too.  I'm not on staff with anyone  so I won't try to push to any particular company. On the other hand I like the Hy-road enough to do exactly as you mentioned and try a weaker drilling.

I guess what im more concerned about is the negatives. Basically, I don’t want to waste money.

My fear is that if I go with the tropical storm, I get a ball that can get to the pocket for the burn condition but I sacrifice hit power and I leave corner pins all night.

Or if I go with like a winner, hustle, match up or another hyroad with a weak layout and it doesn’t distinguish itself enough to be worth it.

I get every ball purchase is a risk, just trying to ask as many questions as possible for risk assessment.

If worried about wasting money go with the Hustle Ink.  Super versatile, predictable and entry level pricing (best ball under $100 undrilled imo) and one of the best drop down balls at least recently.  Trust me you will see a difference between it and the Hy-Road (own both).  Amount layout affects ball motion is over rated imo unless you go to the extremes which is never a good idea (got burned recently going pin under thumb) and is seldom more than 15% of total ball reaction.  You can accent or dull a ball's natural motion a little but not change it totally.  Far too easy to worry about layouts when surface and how you throw the ball is much more important.  Think of layouts as more of a carry tweak.

(edit: have yet to see anyone dislike the Hustle Ink on here and seen plenty of even non staffers rave about it.  I like mine but with my style and lanes I bowl on rare I see enough friction I ever have to drop down from my Hy-Road).

Throughout the day, I’ve actually been leaning towards the HYB. I love the hybrid reaction down lane. I was thinking about a weak but not extremely weak layout with some polish on the ball. Was actually thinking about matching the 1500 polished the hyroad live is to match it.


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Re: Medium / Low Flare Layouts
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2018, 11:03:29 PM »
Your call but from what I understand the HYB is significantly stronger and might not be much of a step down ball.  Didn't seem to generate near the love but some on here swear by it.  BJI says the INK is two foot longer, three to four boards weaker with more hold area and stronger backend motion than HYB.  HYB can handle more oil but isn't as good on the dry.  Don't care either way (not a staffer, just a house hack with way too many bowling balls) but Hustle Ink is one of the best balls Roto has ever made on the lower end.  Check out what Luke Rosdahl had to say about both on youtube.  Guy really knows his stuff (regular on here and super nice) staffer or not and if you read between the lines HYB didn't impress him that much other than being strong and smooth (and early which may not want) at that price point but that is what your Hy-Road is for (strong more than smooth part).  Still in the end probably either ball is fine.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 12:26:57 AM by BowlingForDonuts »
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