You want to tell me the Asian guy throwing the ball, is the same thing that Robert Smith is doing in the link above. No way, not in my opinion.
A helicopter release or Asian spinner is not a back up ball IMHO. I'm not going to argue with you...
For the rest of us here. The Asian spinner spins like a top, with extreme forward spin. The bowler may throw the ball with their wrist and elbow inside the ball, but their hand comes over the top a way to produce the spin.
The back up ball works like a hook ball, but in the reverse action of the throwing hand. Many good back up players can hook the ball and make the ball look normal if you didn't see their physical game.
The difference is the back up bowler attempts to hook the ball, and the spinner does just that, spin the ball with a very light ball with extreme top spin.
I know of a very good 230+ back up player that has a rev rate of any tour professional. It's amazing.
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 1/2/2012 at 8:02 PM