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Author Topic: Backswing Height Help  (Read 1278 times)


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Backswing Height Help
« on: February 25, 2013, 02:42:38 PM »
Ok this will be fairly long so I apologize. I use to have about a head height back swing when I was younger. I was overweight and out of shape over the course of a year I lost 50 lbs. and my strength rose and flexibility increased. My backswing inadvertently rose to completely over my head with more spine tilt. I have gotten better over this time and rose from a 210 average owner to a 230-240 bowler. I also believe is is e product of fitness, practice, and just coming into my own. I now have issues where the swing feels bad and too long and Isolde like a shoulder or head height back swing where I can really dive into my legs and push the ball instead of letting it come down from a height point very quickly and extend out. I need that flat spot of the swing like Mark Baker talks about in his book. Everything feels very rounded for me now and the back swing I think causes these issues and physical strain. Any help and tips to get it lower. Everything that feels lower when watched on video isn't at all.

Thanks for reading!