I know we cover the topic of baggin quite a bit on these forums but the last 4 weeks our Sunday night league has run into the most blatant sandbagger I have ever seen. This particular bowler finished last season with a 215+ average and even mentioned to me (prior to our first night of bowling) that he is going to “bag†this season just so he can go to our sweeper at the end of the year and rake in all the cash. Basically he is pissed because he didn’t cash in the sweeper last year. At first I thought it was a joke, but then started off the season with 470, 460, & 450 series (3 game sets). Now that is right at a 153 average for 9 games. Now what I would like to know is how to handle this situation. This bowler is not injured, is bowling with the same hand as they had last year and if you watch you can watch intentionally missing spares.
I am not the league secretary, but our league secretary regularly wants my input on situations like this. This time I am speechless. I personally know the bowler and have bowled with them since they were in Jr’s.
This is where things get interesting. Last night this bowler goes 300, 258,226=784 series. Now anyone can tell you that no bowler that actually averages 150, can go off and shoot 784.
I just want some input on this. It frustrates me since I bowl with everything I have every night and I know situations like this frustrate a lot of bowlers.
"Grip it and Rip it"