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Author Topic: Balance arm.... what a difference...  (Read 2599 times)


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Balance arm.... what a difference...
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:53:44 PM »
I suffer from a tendency of early hand turn and my ultimate weakness after several squads of bowling, is chicken winging. I do it in league bowling as well, not as often, but it happens.

About 6 years ago,  I started to tweak my game. I wanted to increase my rev rate. And the balance arm philosophy, leading forward with the thumb down seemed like the norm. I was introduced to the "Modern day style". Long story short, it helped somewhat and my revs did increase a significant amount because of the other things done to my game and coaches I've seen - and hours of practice. Average increased, but I just realized too, that the conditions I bowl on masks my true ability.

The last tournament was a plane crash into a mountain. The condition exposed my bad habits. So I spent the next half day sitting in the den watching old files/videos of myself and my balance arm wondering if it was the cause of my swing plane being "loopy". When my balance arm was more to the side/traditional, aka Aulby or Norton, I had a straighter swing plane - the ball was directly behind my head and not to the left of it.

And, although it's been less than 12 games, I can make a big list of improvements since reverting back to my "old school" ways. But the main improvements are my hand position at the bottom of my release being 5/6'ish and lower instead, of 3/4 or 4/5 ish. And, my Elbow/arm is not looping around to clear my fat ass, or chicken winging. I have to mention the improved leverage I'm getting, improved roll, balance at the line, and accuracy.

The balance arm seems to be one part of the body we ignore. And the balance arm isn't created equal. The "modern way", thumb down leading forward slightly bent, isn't for me.
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003


Ken De Beasto

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Re: Balance arm.... what a difference...
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2017, 02:06:18 PM »
Could it be your thinking to much about the thumbs down technique that its throwing you off when you throw?  Did ya bowl asian American at country club?


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Re: Balance arm.... what a difference...
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2017, 02:09:56 PM »
The modern way of arm forward with thumb down doesn't work for me either.  I've tried to incorporate it into my game but I just can't make it work.  I bowl a lot, two leagues per week and sometimes 2/3 nights of practice in between and with that much bowling I just can't get it right.       
In the bag:  900 Global Zen, Hy Road Pearl, Astro Physix.


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Re: Balance arm.... what a difference...
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2017, 03:01:39 PM »
Not over thinking it. in fact, the balance arm wasn't even a thought. I was aware of it, but not of importance.

I tried it for several years, but it's not conducive to my original classic style. It created more issues over time - on paper/stats it doesn't seem like it was a bad thing, stats went up..but it's THS....

best I can explain it, too much tiny moving parts going array which the THS conditions masks. Also, my push away wasn't the cause either. The problem was trying to be a style I am truly not.

I can go in great detail what benefits this left shoulder/balance arm has done for me, but my physical anatomy and its limitation hindered the mastering process. Anyone can throw a round house kick or side kick. Many can make it look good, but many more can't make it effective.

Finally, yes I do AABA tournaments.

Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003


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Re: Balance arm.... what a difference...
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2017, 05:05:41 PM »
Just something to go along with this topic:

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Re: Balance arm.... what a difference...
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2017, 08:03:50 PM »
I notice that almost every pro extends his balance arm out with the thumb down. So it must have some benefit.