My father is 65 years old and has not bowled in about 10-20 years. He has only owned rubber balls during his lifetime....(I don't think that I have ever even seen a rubber ball

When he was younger he did bowl leagues and averaged close to 200. I have not seen him bowl but he describes his style as playing a slight swing shot with a very aggressive upward release in order to generate lift which is how he got the ball to hook.
He wants to get back into the sport and needs help. Since he developed such as strong release during the rubber days, I don't know how much he will be able to change his style. I want to purchase a ball for him that will allow him to take advantage of the newer technology but doesn't require him to relearn how to bowl. He is used to throwing 16lb balls but he and I talked it over and I explained to him that for most people 15lb balls will produce better results. He wanted to drop down to 15lbs due to his age, but was afraid of the loss of carry.
Also, for you wise people who are on the older side, can you offer him any advice about how to approach the sport of bowling in the year 2004? I am too young to know anything but the current game, but I have read about significant changes to lane surface, oil laydown, ball technology, and everything else.
He and I both appreciate any advice that you could offer.