Last night was the playoff for our mixed league. This is a match play scoring league with 21 points allowed in a series. As we began the 3 team playoff, the secretary pointed out the scoring for the playoff was the same as regular league scoring. I quickly pointed out that the USBC rule 113b (1c) stated that when more than two teams were in a playoff, total pins would decide the winner. He ran off in a frenzy. When returned red faced, he angrily stated I was right.
The shot last night was a little oiler than normal. Our lead off bowler was sick so we pulled in a sub. For the night,I was +30. My wife was +50. The leadoff and our anchor were both about -40.
To make a long story short, we lost to a team with the most handicap. With the extra oil on the lanes, their plastic, down the middle prevailed. Most of the winning team bowled some where around +20 for the night.
To add insult to injury, we lost total pins by 1 pin. The winning team received $1600. We got $800 for the night but it was tainted by the house shot, which is difficult to start with, being slicker.
The outcome of the playoff would have been very different had I picked up one of the three 10 pins I whiffed. While we had extra oil in the middle, the backends were dry. My White Dot was moving 5 boards in the last 10 feet. I couldn't swing it because the oil pattern put it in the ditch. Straight up the the twig, the WD hit near the pocket. Standing 25 and targeting the 15 board was the shot but I just was off a board or two and couldn't find the right board.
I hope I learned a lesson last night. Both of my other two teams will also be in the playoffs. I will not lose again by a 10 pin.
"Following the course of least resistance makes for crooked rivers and crooked men."