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Author Topic: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)  (Read 2151 times)


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Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« on: February 20, 2009, 10:11:37 AM »
I've been bowling since I was a kid. Saturdays I would work until noon, then clean up and go bowling. I really liked it, but never bowled a league.

  Then, in 1982, my wife and I were looking for something to do and went bowling. We had fun and were asked to join a league, so we did. That first year, I used an old  "Fred Flintstone" type houseball and averaged a whopping 102, but loved it and wanted to get better. When our income tax return came back, I asked for a new ball and got one, my first one, a Columbia Yellow Dot.

  I spent lots of time and money learning to bowl. There's no telling how many games I bowled or how many hours I spent, practicing my release, practicing my targeting, taping and watching the best in the world, the players of the P.B.A., in hopes that someday I might be good enough to bowl with them on their own level. Just as I got there, the game evolved and the equipment revolution began.

  I continued to chase my dreams and the evolving game play.  Rubber to plastic, plastic to urethane, and finally urethane to reactive resin.  Three piece technology evolved into two piece, then into symmetric and asymmetric weightblocks. Bowling had changed forever.

 26 years I spent trying to be the best, and once, I was very good. I feared nobody and would bowl anyone, anytime.  I had a sponsor lined up once, but he lost some money on his other bowlers and decided to get out of it just as he picked me up. And I never quite was able to fully change my style enough to fully incorporate reactive resin. I still have my good times, but they are further and further apart and I struggle more and more while I have to watch the "young guns" with lots of ball speed fire missiles at the pocket that annihilate the pins. many night, I don't stand a chance. The powerful release I developed that once made others dread me has now become a millstone around my neck and is all but useless because modern balls don't need nearly that much release strength.

 I still average over 210-215, but am just as likely to shoot 500 as 700, and I never know what ball to take or what line to play. Last week, I shot 680 with a urethane hammer, this week it wouldn't hook 1/2 as much or finish hardly at all, while my reactives would hook past the headpin from outside and not even turn over from inside.

  After much frustration, I have now listed nearly all my stuff for sale. I picked up a used 14lb Hammer RAZYR from a friend and am going to use it I suppose. It is reactive, but the old style pancake will help me control the reaction, and the weight will help me generate enough speed, hopefully.

 Not that anyone would care, but I'm about ready to quit. I've loved the game, supported it as much as possible, recruited as many converts to the sport as I could, and always tried to help and encourage others, but I'm afraid the game has passed me by.
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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 06:25:23 PM »
want some cheese with that whine come on grow up and just bowl

 I really didn't expect anyone who hasn't devoted themselves to something the way I did this to understand. It wasn't just a "game" to me, it was who I was and what I did. I was a bowler, not just someone who went bowling.

  Your assinine remark shows just how little you know, how little you care, and how little respect you have for bowling.  You may be able to "just bowl", but it was more important than that to me.
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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 06:32:07 PM »

Maybe you should take a break from the game...just a few weeks until that itch comes back.

Here is a scenerio, let's say you bowl on a 4 man team, get another guy/gal to join your team and sub him/her in for you for a few weeks. Before long you'll wish you were bowling again!

We have a 3 man trio's league and our team is a 4 man roster. Some nights one of us is not feelin' it so much and the 4th guy steps in. Works like a charm...


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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 06:39:31 PM »

Maybe you should take a break from the game...just a few weeks until that itch comes back.

Here is a scenerio, let's say you bowl on a 4 man team, get another guy/gal to join your team and sub him/her in for you for a few weeks. Before long you'll wish you were bowling again!

We have a 3 man trio's league and our team is a 4 man roster. Some nights one of us is not feelin' it so much and the 4th guy steps in. Works like a charm...

  That might be a good idea. I don't know if the itch would come back, and there is a guy wanting to get some games in to get an average established in the league.  Might just let him finish the year for me and see what happens.
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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2009, 06:45:52 PM »

Maybe you should take a break from the game...just a few weeks until that itch comes back.

Here is a scenerio, let's say you bowl on a 4 man team, get another guy/gal to join your team and sub him/her in for you for a few weeks. Before long you'll wish you were bowling again!

We have a 3 man trio's league and our team is a 4 man roster. Some nights one of us is not feelin' it so much and the 4th guy steps in. Works like a charm...

  That might be a good idea. I don't know if the itch would come back, and there is a guy wanting to get some games in to get an average established in the league.  Might just let him finish the year for me and see what happens.
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Just add him to your roster if the league allows and let him a 4th or 5th or 6th man. And keep your name on the team roster too!

Maybe a little practice time outside of league is neccessary, just so you can relax and bowl, for fun--the way it's supposed to be.


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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2009, 07:15:54 PM »
maybe a break from the sport is in order
people suffer burnout all the time in bowling, especially when they work so hard for so long.

coach says " bowl for fun ", and that's the down side to getting so technical with your game, because the more you want to get better the less fun you seem to have.

Just a personal observation I have experienced, and witnessed.

Easier said than done though, but in those times when I have just " bowled for fun " all the crap was not there

hope it gets better for you
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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2009, 07:38:38 PM »
I've been pretty much burned out on the game for a while now.  One thing I will recommend though... after you take some time off, get the wife and go to a bowling alley leaving your stuff at home.  Rent some shoes and throw that Fred Flinstone ball.  It will be fun, and will take you back to when bowling was fun and not work.  I know, I tried it and had a blast!  And no, I didn't keep the Fred Flinstone ball, I went back to my own after that.  But it did help me bring back that fun feeling to the game.

Now for the FIGJAM... After a year off, I shot 570 with the Fred Flinstone conventional grip house ball and rental shoes.  Not bad for a hack like me!


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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 07:40:36 PM »
I somewhat know how you feel. I began bowling in the rubber and
plastic era. With alot of time on the lanes and a udot or faball
nail, I could pretty much stand my ground. However due to an anger
problem, I gave up bowling in the late 80's. I subbed one night in
2004 (still using udots) and the fever hit me again. I vowed that
the first time my anger showed that I would quit bowling. I don't
practice much, now I just bowl to have fun.
20-25 years ago my revs and accuracy were an asset to my game,
which gave me a little edge. Today I see no thumbers with speed
spray the lane and carry the house. I have found that not watching
them and do what I can do best, keeps me in focus. We do have more
fun when we bowl well.
Due to my loss of ball speed, I started going with pin axis drills.
I also use an old storm hit which I shot 284 the other week, so don't
under estimate your razry. Maybe time off would help. If you enjoy
the game, don't give up. I'm sure you are a very good bowler and would
love to have you on my team!

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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2009, 07:44:12 PM »

PM sent.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2009, 07:53:39 PM »

Maybe you should take a break from the game...just a few weeks until that itch comes back.

Here is a scenerio, let's say you bowl on a 4 man team, get another guy/gal to join your team and sub him/her in for you for a few weeks. Before long you'll wish you were bowling again!

We have a 3 man trio's league and our team is a 4 man roster. Some nights one of us is not feelin' it so much and the 4th guy steps in. Works like a charm...


I agree renoatpikeville sometimes a couple weeks or maybe even taking the summer off is just the doctor ordered.

If you decide to finish out the year just go out and have fun and not pay attention to what others are doing.

If you still feel the same after some time off then maybe it is time to hang it up for a couple years. It would be a loss to the bowling community and the game would miss you but once you get the itch it will always be ready for a second chance.

I know quite a few people that have quit for a year or two then come back as good as new.
Jason K
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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2009, 09:09:53 PM »
i hear ya on the young guns. heck even back in the mid 1990's i used to get so excited to see a 300 game! now its almost a common occurance, a shoulder shrug and lets move on. too many bowling balls too much overanalyzing has made this simple game a simple mess! i love to bowl but it has and will continue to lose its luster.
lets face it... this isnt deadlifting or picking up women.. its BOWLING!!!! Stop acting tough when you roll 4 strikes in a row!!!

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2009, 01:01:49 PM »

I know that same feeling, hence why I quit bowling after the 04-05 season, I just got burned out and was sick of guys who didnt have a clue but could play the track all day long and avg 230+, and how the 300's became the norm, and the typical spray n pray house hacks shooting stupid numbers everyweek.

So after a couple years of not bowling i was asked to bowl this yr, and decided to do it... now it maybe the fact that I am in a smaller town and the 300's arnt the norm, and our league conditions are a chefs suprise since we bowl after a womens league.  But I still see some guys who spray n pray, and you'll never get away from that, but I like the 2nd shift conditions even though i do sometimes bytch about them lol.  

I mean in said league, I've had weeks where I am playing up the gutter or playing 5th arrow depending on the lanes... and its nice, cuz it's a challenge.

But having the lay off from not bowling was nice...
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" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2009, 01:48:31 PM »
I know how you feel. I haven't quit yet, because I just can't bring myself to do so. But there are definitely nights where the thoughts are "I don't wanna go" - compared to "it's not league night yet" of a few years ago...

On top of all the equipment changes, I've had a few injuries that have made it so I'm unable to perform at the level I want. Now I know average isn't everything - but several years ago I was consistently at 220-215 - this year I'm going to have to work my tail off just to hit 190. That makes it even harder!!!

I don't know that a break is the answer. If I took a sizeable break right now, I'd probably not go back.
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Re: Last night, I think I gave up. (RANT-sorry for length)
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2009, 02:05:14 PM »

  I want to thank ya'll for all the replies, even Bowler X. It sounds like this isn't so uncommon an occurence after all.

Don't understand the problem. You say you have a powerful release. You say you know the game inside and out. Why can't you move left and swing the lane like the young turks do if your release is that good?

 Because I never seem to have the correct equipment with me.  The lanes change so much from week to week that I never know if I need a hard urethane or an oil monster. Hard to make the urethane you needed last week turn into the "hook monster" you needed this week

Sounds to me like you are just getting frustrated It is tough getting older. We all go thru it.

 You're right, I am frustrated. I have never been known as a "power" bowler, even though I have a strong release. I was always a finesse bowler who was able to adapt. Thing is, there is so much variation from week to week on my part of the lane that I never know what to bring or where to throw it.

You gotta be kidding! Man, you are three years younger than me and, quite frankly, we are worlds apart. I love competing against the young guys.

 Not so far apart as it would seem.

I know how I want to throw the ball and I know where I want to throw it. It's called an "A" game. Are you telling me that you don't have an "A" game anymore?

 That's a big part of my problem. I will look hard until i figure out what works, and then I can do that. Thing is, the shot doesn't seem to be close enough from night to night to be aable to plan ahead and know what ball to use or where to play it from.  If I could do that, 90% of my problems would disappear.

You won't be the first to quit and you won't be the last. Just make sure you don't quit before your time.

 cool rockin daddy, I broke your reply into piece because you seem to have the talent to agree, disagree, compliment, and criticize all in one motion and I wanted to do it to let you know that I understand what you are saying, and agree with much of it.  Also, it is hard to develop my "A" game when there is SO much variance in the conditions from week to week. Last week a black urethane hammer hooked 15 boards, this week my GAMEBREAKER would only hook 7-8 boards the first two games, then hooked off the lanes the last game. It's like bowling on stripped lanes one week, shark pattern the next.

 I won't quit before my time, I'm just trying to figure out if that time is now.

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