While asymmetric cored balls, like most of those recommended, are usually very strong and intended for heavier oil amounts, they also require a more consistent release to perform properly. If you're averaging 165 - 190 (that's a pretty wide range; are you in several leagues?), it would seem that you're really not consistent enough to take advantage of what an asymmetric ball will offer, It is also more difficult to drill properly; the driller should watch you throw at least a game and do some measurements of tilt, rotation, rev rate and ball speed, among others before drilling such a ball.
I get very suspicious when a pro shop recommends their most expensive balls for someone like yourself.
There are plenty of very strong symmetric cored balls that will serve your purpose just as well; they'll be less expensive plus they're easier to drill.
Examples: RG Haywire, Arson High Flare Solid, Columbia Severe Delirium, Ebonite Adrenaline Shot, Brunswick Melee Hook.
Plus on top of all that, why not just plug the Game Breaker and drill it correctly for your release? It is not a weak ball