I've been away from the ball scene for a while and have these two balls as my more aggressive options:
www.amleto.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/traumaER.jpgwww.amleto.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/phenomUnl.jpgThe trauma moves more and goes earlier than the Unl, but I feel that I need something stronger than the ER. I have noticed the
GP2 and the
vertigo - would they be suitable, and are they of the same ilk? The gp2 sounds smooth and strong from the reviews which is what I'm after, but I couldn't read too much into what the vertigo is like from the reviews.
vid of me bowling:
stats in profile.
Thanks for any info
Am-1337-oEdited on 5/30/2005 9:41 PM