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Author Topic: ball confusion  (Read 1355 times)

isner baby

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ball confusion
« on: August 11, 2008, 11:37:27 AM »
ok i stopped bowling for a couople years and just started again.. i throw the ball around 17-18mph and i put a lot of revs on the ball. my balls i use to use dont react for me anymore then a guy gave me a ball called freak out? he said it hooked 2 much for him. so i tried it when when i throw it i lay it between 2nd and third arrow and arch it a little. im use to swinging the ball i throw the ball weaird my oil track comes up on the right side of my ball like im throwing it left handed but im def. right handed lol but anyways so i got the black widow bite thinking im going to have to stand way left and throw it way far out. the guy the drills balls around here was watching how i throw and then finally drills my ball i throw it a couple times and he got my oil track where it should b but the ball doesnt hook at all!! i stand at the middle dot throw it right over the 2nd arrow to hit the pocket. i dont kno what happened i dont kno anything bout drilling balls or anything. anybody have any help for me please!!



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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2008, 08:10:09 PM »
A couple of things could be why it's not hooking a lot.  A general description of how the ball is drilled or a pic if you don't know how to describe it would be helpful.  The way it's drilled could be a pretty tame layout which is why it's not the big hooker you were hoping for.  The other reason I can think of is that there is quite a bit of oil on the lanes, in which case not very many balls even the Bite is going to hook the lane.  A combination of those is a possibility as well.  Just my thoughts.


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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2008, 08:18:42 PM »
This sounds like an issue with the way you release the ball, not how it's drilled. You can take the most aggressive ball on the market and use the most aggressive layout, and if you throw it straight it will go straight.
 It sounds like he used a variation of a full roller layout, and these typically don't produce any major change of direction. Try working on your release before spending $200 on another ball. When you release the ball, it should look like you're going to shake hands. Your hand should be behind the ball until you are about to release it, then it should rotate around the side as you release it.
 Once you get comfortable, you should see your track staying more to the left of your grip, and more of a change in direction with the ball. Then you can go for a different layout that will compliment the new release better.
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isner baby

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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 11:02:42 PM »
i use to have a scout reactive and when i threw that i got a lot of hook out of it of course then i threw it like 16-17mph. i just pulled my ball outmy left finger holeis like a finger width away from the spiders leg where it bends at. the then red dot on the ball there is a lil weight hole there its bout 2 inches away from that dot.. my usb cord is missing so i cant upload pics im trying to find out where it is.. i kno i throw the ball weird but its comfortable to me and i was averaging 190 after 2 years of bowling i think thats pretty good. when the guy got done drilling and i went to use it him and another guy said i was going to b in trouble bc that ball hooks so much plus with all the rev i put on it but no it doesnt do anything

isner baby

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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2008, 04:48:57 PM »


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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2008, 05:20:19 PM »
I have seen some crazy drillings on the BWB but this one confuses me?  Anyone have some insight.


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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2008, 05:35:38 PM »
I'm gonna take a guess that it is a control drill that is used for completely fried lanes. Or it is a bad attempt at a negative layout

on edit: I've never seen a layout like that
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Edited on 8/12/2008 5:36 PM


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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2008, 05:42:08 PM »
Was the guys name Issac that drilled the ball?  It looks like something an old pro shop guy from my area would do.

isner baby

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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2008, 11:33:27 PM »
no thats not his name.. i think all the guy tried to do was get my oil track on the left hand side of the ball.. do u think if he pluged everythin up and redrilled it that the ball would b all messed up? and does anybody have any recomendations on how i should drill it? ill get a pic of where my oil track is. actually if this helps any heres a pic of a peice of tape he put on my ball and when i shoot spares u c it like where weight holes r


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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2008, 06:26:30 AM »
To me it looks like he drilled it pin axis which is the most stable core position. That's why it's not hooking. Try playing in the driest part of the alley and see what happens. When looking at the oil track are the fingers up or down? Just want to check and make sure your looking at the ball the right way.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.

isner baby

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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2008, 09:42:44 AM »
my fingers r facing up when i look at the track.. do u think if he plugs it and redrills that my ball would b ruind? and if not how should it b drilled i want it to b aggresive. or my friend might just by any ball i want and were going to trade.. if u think thats best for me which ball should i get? i want something for heavy oil


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Re: ball confusion
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2008, 10:53:23 AM »
I think you need to have someone watch you bowl that can describe to you right then what you are doing or not doing. Maybe have the guy who drilled the ball explain things to you. Try standing to the right and throw at an angle towards the pocket to see if the ball hooks. And don't worry the ball can always be redrilled, but try different hand positions and angles to the pocket first just to see what happens.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.