What bowling center employees should know!!!
Most new employees with jobs in the entertainment industry,are required
to have training and orientation of 40 plus hours before they even start
their first day on the job.Most of this training is not technical training,but
knowledge of how assisting guests,answering questions,how to calm
parents when dealing with lost children.General knowledge of the
theme park,movie theater,movie studio,etc.
But the employees at bowling centers rarely know what is going on.What are some of the things you think bowling center employees should know.
How to keep score and how to operate the 'automatic" scorers
How to help casual bowlers find an appropriate house ball
Where towels,mops,and approach cleaners are located
Learning frequent bowlers' names
Why talcum powder and other powders on shoes soles are bad ideas
What constitutes a foul
Why bowlers should never step across the foul line
How to smile
How to say "thank you"
How to compliment customers
The center's hours of operation
When open play lanes are available
About current or upcoming specials,tournaments,promotions
When the lanes were last oiled;
How to answer the phone properly
How much it costs for open bowling
Just a start,what are some others you can think of.