With that PAP change, I'd also rather suggest goinmg back where you come from. If your PAP measure is correct, your track diameter should be pretty small - sounds like a spinner release to me, with a long sliding phase and rather mellow back end, unless these are truly dry, then you can get quite a dramatic hook out of this.
I'd guess that you top the ball quite a bit, that you try to generate revs through twisting your wrist from your mentioned outside position of the hand. You do a lot onto the ball, it might even rotate well, but it does not roll because you do not impart horizontal revs through lift of fingers, rather by twisting the ball on a vertical axis.
I am with terplife03: if you really stay behind the ball, you should see a higher track, closer to the finger holes. Hold you wrist firm, and let the ball roll across your fingers, do not force the wrist twist.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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