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Author Topic: Ball Driller / Pro Shop Horror Stories  (Read 845 times)


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Ball Driller / Pro Shop Horror Stories
« on: February 24, 2006, 02:52:21 AM »
Well, there it is.
Let it all loose right here if you feel the need to vent
or to share your story =)

Regards, M.C. RAMmer

Edited on 2/24/2006 11:43 AM


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Ball Driller / Pro Shop Horror Stories
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2006, 12:56:51 PM »
I have 2 stories.

#1)  I had a Storm X Factor Vertigo punched up and I wanted it be drilled very agressively for heavy oil.  The guy drilled it, then told me becareful, once this ball soaks up a little bit of oil, it's going to be illegal.  I was like I took it back to him a little while later, after not being able to throw it anyways because it turned like nothing I've ever seen before.  It would go down the lane and hit the dry and just was strange.  I had him plug and redrill it....but he drilled my span too long.  I got it for free after that, but I needed it that night.

#2) I also had another incident, that I can't type up in here just incase the driller happens to see it.  Put it this way...I've made arrangements to use a new proshop.  I buy a lot of stuff during the year as he screwed himself HUGE!
My Arsenal:
Brunswick Ultimate Inferno, Hammer Road Hawg, Columbia 300 Action Packed, Rotogrip Spare Tire


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Re: Ball Driller / Pro Shop Horror Stories
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 01:03:20 PM »

How the heck can a ball have 6oz side weight AND 5.5oz top!  Either he drilled it on the wrong side of the ball (but you should have noticed that), or it was a blem...

The Dude was on a roll, you know how these fish stories go!
Hook, Line and Stinker

The Bowling Ball Manufacturing Kingdom Scorecard (hint: they are all good)
Brunswick ***** (King)(Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch)[make Elite, Lane#1, MoRich]
Storm ***** (Prince)(Coors)[make Roto Grip, Dyno-Thane, Circle Athletics?(in transition  purchased by Columbia Industries)]
Columbia **** (nobleman)(Miller)[make Track, AMF]
Ebonite *** (jester)(Strohs)[make Hammer]
Visionary (no current rating)(wizard)(microbrew?)
Lanemaster (no current rating)(knight)(more microbrew?)
[Note: The end companies usually spec out their own balls]

I wear the Brunswick Crown, the Storm is brewing at my feet, my heart belongs to Roto Grip and Dyno just might be my thane!
KeglerX's Ball Arsenal Registry (includes drilling Specs) @

Edited on 2/24/2006 2:21 PM