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Author Topic: Ball Drillers.......(an observation)  (Read 1021 times)


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Ball Drillers.......(an observation)
« on: June 07, 2005, 04:44:28 AM »
As stated in my topic, I've noticed a commonality among SOME ball drillers.  Question, "How many of you trust your driller to give you what YOU want or settle for what HE/SHE gives?"  I ask this because there are many knowledgeable drillers yet there's very few who can actually "apply" the knowledge.  Sorta like a writer with writers block (but not totally as bad).  I'd like to refer to this as "DRILLERS BLOCK"...  I honestly think "SOME" actually drill using the prefixed image of their own game as opposed to the game of the bowler they're drilling for.

By all means, this isn't a blatant attack on ALL drillers, but I believe there's a huge difference between being a 'master of the craft' and someone who's a 'craftsman'.

Post your opinion(s).




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Re: Ball Drillers.......(an observation)
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2005, 12:47:13 PM »
My driller could not possibly drill using "the prefixed image of their own game" and have it work for anyone else.  He is, shall we say, somewhat unorthodox.  But he can explain the dynamics of what the ball is doing in relation to anyone's game, and drill to fit that dynamic.  Does he know it all?  No.  But he knows when he's in uncharted waters and won't BS you.
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Re: Ball Drillers.......(an observation)
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2005, 01:12:27 PM »
I think Ragnar hit the nail on the head. The guy needs to be good at what you need him to do. If he is in an unfamiliar area he needs to be able to recognize that, and let you know about it.

The guy that I go to for drilling knows my game, listens to what I want, sometimes asks me if is Ok to try something new to see if it will work for me, and follows up to make sure it was done right. I couldn't ask for more.

However, he is an excellent salesman and is in the business to make money as well as help people. So, if someone unsure of what they want walks in the shop asking about something he doesn't have, he might sell them something he does have. Once they leave, I think almost all are happy with the work he does because his repeat business is amazing (people go there from all over and there are many shops in the area).


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Re: Ball Drillers.......(an observation)
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2005, 01:15:37 PM »
From a drillers perspective:

I don't claim to know it all, but I do feel that I know more about ball layouts and dynamics than Joe Bowler.  It is now the slow time of the year and I am able to give more of my time to customers.  Tomorow is our last day of school, so I have the next couple of months to remodel the pro shop and take care of other odds and ends.  

I am curently working with an individual that hasn't bowled in 14 years that wants to get back into the sport.  When he said that he wanted to try a semi-finigertip grip, I tried to suggest a full fingertip grip since 99% of our bowlers use one.  i finally said that if he didn't like the fiingertip grip I would plug and redrill it free of charge for him.  Now we are hung up on what ball to get.  all of the balls that he wants are old balls that have been discontinued and near impossible to find in 14lbs.  I tried talking to him about some of the newer equipment, but he doesn't like some of the color patterns that the new equipment has.

He has been in three days and we have still not made a decision on what he wants.  I guess if I had just listened to him.  I could have just found an old hammer and drilled it up semi-fingertip and sent him on his way.  But he wants to bowl on leagues at my house and I do not believe that he will be happy with this ball combination.  I let him throw a V2 Strong that was close to his measurements and it barely moved on fresh oil.  I don't think that a less aggressive ball with a semi-fingertip drilling is the answer.

To make a long story longer, there are times when a driller should just listen to their clients and there are times where they should probably speak their minds if they honestly feel that they are doing it for their clients well being.  I have actually told several of my customers that were buying many new balls looking for the perfect one to invest in some lessons.  I may not have sold a ball, but I have not paid for many beers when they are around.
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Re: Ball Drillers.......(an observation)
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2005, 05:46:59 PM »
On all aspects, ball selection, fit, and layout, I make my suggestion.  And even argue with the customer for my suggestion.  But before I punch any holes, we agree on what the CUSTOMER is satisfied with and drill it that way.  If the customer uses my suggestion, then is not satisfied, I will plug/redrill as needed for his satisfaction at no charge.  However, since we have agreed before the drilling, I will not replace the ball.

BowlingWithBuzzsaws -- I have run into some customers that think they want semifingertip grips.  In every case, it was someone who had dealt with a driller that fit a stretched fingertip grip.  What they were calling semifingertip was actually a relaxed fingertip.  The website below handles some old balls, calling them "Bargain Balls".  You might want to check to see if the ones your customer wants are on there.  I ordered one ball from them and didn't have any problem.  --  JohnP


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Re: Ball Drillers.......(an observation)
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2005, 05:49:31 PM »
My ball drilled (my boss) has people go out and thorow a few frames if theyu are new customers to see what they do before he does anything. When i am helping a person with a ball, i usually just talk to them. Find out what they know, what they have, what their equipment does or dosnt do, and then i figure a few balls that when drilled properly will work for them.
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