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Author Topic: You've heard the expression, "on any given day"...  (Read 2077 times)


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You've heard the expression, "on any given day"...
« on: November 30, 2010, 04:57:48 AM »
I'm curious-does anyone know a way to statistically determine the percentage of time bowler A will beat bowler B in a 3 game series, assuming bowler A's average is 5, 10, or even more pins greater than bowler B.  I'm assuming the number of games they bowled to get to their average has something to do with it as well.  I ask because there always seems to be those nights when a 180s average bowler bowls really well and beats someone with say a 200 average.  How likely was it to happen??  

Yes, I'm bored right now...


Cobalt Bomb

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Re: You've heard the expression, "on any given day"...
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2010, 01:01:18 PM »
I would say a few things factor in:
As you mentioned, the number of games the average covers.
How low both averages are if both are lower but the same number of pins apart, more chance of a larger swing.
How easy the lane condition is on that given night. The easier the condition, the more likely for the lower ave bowler to "get lucky".


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Re: You've heard the expression, "on any given day"...
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2010, 02:29:15 PM »
Whether you're talking scratch or handicap makes a big difference too.  --  JohnP

David Lee Yskes

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Re: You've heard the expression, "on any given day"...
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2010, 08:28:08 AM »
being on both sides of this lol....  I too was once the low 180's avg guy who could pop out a nice 650+ series..  And back then alot of it just depended on how well I was throwing the ball.   Not so much the lane conditions.  

But now being the low 200avg guy, I'll have times where I could be throwing the ball well and not carry and the 180's guy who is just tossing it up the track is carrying everything, and just smokes me.    Or I could get into a funk and just get a crappy reaction from my equipment or w/e and just struggle to get to the pocket.  

So on a THS, 90% of the time it's all about who gets to the pocket "better"  

On a tougher shot, most of the time it will favor the higher average bowler...  

This opinion is for scratch...

If your adding in handicap, I honestly think it's probably a 45/55 split on who wins for the nite.  Only cuz your 180avg gets alot more handicap and if he strings a few strikes that 220game scratch, turns into 250 w/handicap...

I know that just from experience lol...
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "  

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Re: You've heard the expression, "on any given day"...
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2010, 09:03:18 AM »
The best way I can come up with would be would require way too much work in my opinion but here goes:

Pick a league that you are a member of that posts on or find a league there that is public.  From there you would need to see if they already have a report that covers game percentage above and below average.  If not then you could do it manually.  Build a spreadsheet that you would enter the game scores and average for each bowler each week (now you see why this is waaaay too much work).  By building formulas you could determine by average range the % of games a bowler is above and below their average.


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Re: You've heard the expression, "on any given day"...
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2010, 09:09:56 AM »
Handicap was never intended to be part of the equation.  What really got me thinking about this was one night in league we got 'schooled' by a team with an average barely over 900 (5 man team) that shot no less than 1,050 per game.  Our team average is over 1,000, but we had no response for the 180 average bowlers shooting over 650 and 700.

David Lee Yskes

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Re: You've heard the expression, "on any given day"...
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2010, 09:49:48 AM »
yea, either that is the best "bagging" i've heard of in a long time, or that team just had the night of a life time against your team.....

now as for the original subject, just scratch scores I think the % drops alot, probably a 75/25 split..  

And same goes for someone averaging 230 vs low 200's  the higher avg guy on a average day already has a 20+ pin advantage...
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "  

For my vids on youtube - search DLYskes1976
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" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "