KNOW YOUR GRIP SPECS, you be glad you did!!! if you move from city to city or don't have a Driller that you can stay with for a long time and trust, it's a good idea to know IMO.
I wanted to learn about my specs..Because of my bad experiences with drillers. I know my grip and all axis's in my head all because I put my trust on these "trusty" paper on the wall drillers and had bad fits. I used to work a lot with my hands and learned to "FEEL" different things I placed on my hand. It was part of the job. So early on, I knew how my hand felt in a good fitted ball and in a bad one.
In my old job, I moved a lot and had funky hours and days off. Finding a driller with hours that fit my schedule was the only way I can get a ball punched up. I've had drillers who copied a ball, check my span, or took from a spec sheet I gave them, and still mess up my grip. Over the years I've had over a dozen drillers who worked on my equipment and I can only think of 4 who did a good job. (two are on here - thanks guys). And when I do find them, they leave lol. (Mike M., Rick L. - thanks man. Llyod and Kieth non BR members were the other two. I think Kieth is back on tour? not sure how true that is.)