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Author Topic: Golf vs. Bowling: Reaction after making a bad shot.  (Read 1273 times)

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Golf vs. Bowling: Reaction after making a bad shot.
« on: April 19, 2007, 01:57:29 PM »
I was watching the Golf Channel's Big Break VII. One of the women on the show made a bad shot (Her name was Bri). She gets all mad at herself and precedes to throw her golf clubs on the ground and starts saying that she is better than that.

One competitor made comments to others stating how childish she acted. But this is where I don't get it. Most of the other contestants seemed to side with Bri. They feel that showing emotion (getting upset, throwing things) after a bad shot demonstrates that your are true competitor. If you don't do that it shows that you don't want it bad enough.

This seems to contradict in bowling. Don't get me wrong, I see a lot people getting upset in bowling. But what I notice the most is that a lot of the better bowlers stay calm and focussed after a bad shot.

I recall watching a Golf tournament years ago: Tiger woods made a bad tee shot, and he threw a few f bombs on TV. He really got mad at himself.

Is the way to be if you are a true competitor?

Are most Pro Bowlers like this?

Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Golf vs. Bowling: Reaction after making a bad shot.
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 10:11:18 PM »
I think the difference has really stemmed from the actual games themselves.  In golf, you throw your club to the ground and curse, and unless a course official is watching your round nobody knows.  Now if you start cursing and slam a bowling ball down on the approach, you'll be thrown out.  So (some) bowlers have learned to just deal with it internally rather than beat stuff up....But probably because you just can't get away with it.  Also, in golf there is more time after you make a bad shot to vent and then reset.  If you throw a bad first shot in bowling, you won't have the chance to go through that process.
- Andy


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Re: Golf vs. Bowling: Reaction after making a bad shot.
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 06:40:04 AM »
That is not a way to act. I was always taught you can get mad at yourself but get over it because you need to be ready and clear headed to hit the next shot!

I think she was being a bad sport, emotional yes. Taking it to far YES!
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Oil is served Best with fingers!
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Re: Golf vs. Bowling: Reaction after making a bad shot.
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 06:53:34 AM »
Neither is right.

But in golf you often have several minutes till you have to hit your next shot to settle down. Bowling may have only a few seconds till the next shot.


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Re: Golf vs. Bowling: Reaction after making a bad shot.
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2007, 09:06:30 AM »
in either one after a bad shot, i hang my head and go back to the bag or rack and tell myself what i did wrong and move on to try and fix it on the next shot/swing


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Re: Golf vs. Bowling: Reaction after making a bad shot.
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2007, 10:42:40 AM »
no,  throwing clubs is as low as kicking the ball return.

many great players in golf seldom threw clubs.  palmer, nicklaus, norman.

and many great players do,  tiger and els.   just saw ernie do it the other nite while watching the G.C.   i was shocked,  cause that was the first time i ever saw ernie do that.

now as for tiger,  i don't see him throwing or pounding clubs into the turf like he did many years ago.  he does let out a few choice words tho.

but words won't hurt you,  a club hitting a tree and snapping in two,  can kill you.  happened a few years back in canada.   a player threw his club and hit a tree and the shaft broke in two and part of it hit his playing partner in the neck and killed him.