i seem to squeeze too much on my release. i am trying everything people are telling me to do, but i still seem to just never get a clean release. its almost like, i am going up the side of the ball but my thumb is still not out of the ball, and as such it kills the RPMs.
when i try to be more relaxed, i drop the ball in the downswing. it can be downright embarrassing. guess what: i tug the sh!t out of the next ball i throw.
i fear i may be squeezing it, and this of course would definitely rank high on the 'why Don revs like a girl' scoreboard.
are any of you guys performing any excersizes or drills to improve your grip? my perhaps i am having issues with my wrist breaking in the downswing??
any and all ideas/comments/insights/insults welcome...
i don't care who makes it, how much it costs, or how sexy the ball looks. can i carry the 7 and level the deck with a $60 ball?
bring on the Lefty uprising!