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Author Topic: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball  (Read 7492 times)


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Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« on: December 13, 2013, 01:15:48 PM »
I started a ball maintenance thread a while back that was very helpful.  I am getting a new ball (Stom IQ Pearl), and wanted to get some advice on what I'd do different with a polished/pearl type of ball.  I was going to bump the old thread to ask this, but there was a huge debate in that thread on what should actually be done for ball maintenance and I don't want that debate to start back up. 

Based on some people's advice and info I found from ball manufacturers, I picked up some clean n dull ball cleaner for my C System Maxxed out.  I also picked up some 4000 Grit abralon pads to use on it every 20 games or so.  I believe there's some differences for polished balls?  I found a Storm recommendation online to re-polish the surface with Reacta-shine every 10 games and use an Abralon pad every 30 games along with Reacta-Shine.  They also reccomend Reacta-Clean as a cleaner to use after bowling. 

My questions are: do people re polish every 10 games like this and is it helpful? and is the Reacta-Shine and Reacta-Clean good stuff to use or for a cleaner, or am I better off with my clean n dull?

Sorry for the long post, thanks in advance!



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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 01:52:58 PM »
Simple way to put this, whether it be polished or dull ball. I always clean my equipment after I am done bowling. I will not mess with the surface (whether it be polishing it back to that state or using a sanding pad to being it back to the surface it was at when I started using it) until I feel that I am not getting a reaction that I feel I was comfortable with on that ball. Once the polish starts wearing down it is gonna start hooking more and earlier than when fresh. Thats when I will try to recreate the finish I liked the ball with as best I can. I would say on average I tend to refinish a ball that i use alot about every 25-30 games. This is all personal preference as far as how often to do it though. I actually like when my polished equipment starts getting a little track in it.

Like i said, there is gonna be many different opinions on this. just go by what you can see and notice in your reaction. This stuff is not rocket science. I dont mean that in a way to offend you. Its just very hard to see subtle differences in the way a ball rolls after just a handful of games. Go bowl and enjoy it!

Another thing that I do personally is I always sand or polish a new ball to the finish I want before I even bowl with it. Reason being is it is very hard to recreate a manufactures OOB surface, they have machines we dont have at our disposal. When it wears down and isnt reacting like I want. I know exactly what I did to get it to the original surface I started. Your gonna need a spinner to do this yourself.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 01:59:05 PM by LaneHammer20 »


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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2013, 02:09:04 PM »
Some are going to look at me or respond to me like I'm some type of special.

I don't clean my equipment ever unless I need to do a surface change or resurfacing. Why the lack of cleaning you might ask? Because I can't see the difference in the ball reaction from before a resurface to after. My Storm T-Road Pearl has 1500+ games on it with just 1 resurface and it still hooks the same 10 boards from the break point as it did the first time ever using it. So to me cleaning my equipment every 2-3 weeks is pointless, this is my opinion and everyone else has their thoughts and beliefs.

I should also mention, currently averaging 205 without ball maintenance.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 02:13:01 PM by BrunsMike »
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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2013, 02:13:11 PM »
Brunsmike, you are not special.  I don't ever clean my equipment either.  Hell, i actually prefer it when it has some games on it.  The ball seems to react the most consistent to me after a while.  If it still does what I want, why mess with it? I throw mainly pearl equipment, so I don't know if there is a difference.

I think the most I ever cleaned a ball was after leaving ba ball in the basement for two years there was a layer of dust on it.  Window cleaner and a towel seemed to clean it and it worked just like normal.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 02:15:55 PM by slowmofo908 »


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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2013, 03:25:24 PM »
Storm IQ Pearl - Please dont drill that ball strong....


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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2013, 04:02:21 PM »
I can see speed dominant people (if the T-Road Pearl is hooking only 10 boards, I strongly suspect that person is speed dominant) not cleaning balls, polished or dull. They probably should sand balls, to one degree or another, before they ever use them.

For the rest of us, this minimal work helps to maintain the ball reaction. Contact of the ball surface t the lane surface changes the grit level anywhere from drastically to slightly. To maintain it you should polish it slightly, maybe even just by hand, when you see some dullness in the track area or in the range of 12 - 25 games.

Sometimes later, maybe in the range of 50 - 75 games,  you should sand it back to the starting grit level and apply the same polish to restore the original level of gloss and grit under it. (This is why it is often best for one to put a level of polish on a ball that you know you can replicate.)
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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2013, 04:27:59 PM »
+1 charlest

I usually go back to starting grit after about 40-50 games..since Ive had my spinner my stuff is in great shape and it has kept my reactions very consistent. Ive been using snake oil and have noticed that I can go about 20-25 games before a touch up is needed.
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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2013, 04:35:01 PM »
I used to "clean n dull" every 5 or 6 sets, or league nights back in the day. I used a towel for two reason, well sometimes 3.

I used a towel for:

1. preshot routine
2. it's enough to dry up my hands
**3. once in a while the house has enough oil for me to use a towel.

** it's rare.

now talking about re-polishing, with my spare ball I used to UFO the sucker after 3 to 5 sets. With my Heat w/polish, 3 times a season. So it depends....but maintaining your equipment is important, I just don't do it much anymore.
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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2013, 05:45:18 PM »
Storm IQ Pearl - Please dont drill that ball strong....

Why do you say that?  I'm asking seriously. I don't know much about different drilling layouts, but would like to learn.


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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2013, 06:01:42 PM »
Storm IQ Pearl - Please dont drill that ball strong....

Why do you say that?  I'm asking seriously. I don't know much about different drilling layouts, but would like to learn.

Best thing you could do is talk to your driller, and if he/she is smart enough to understand your game and the conditions that you bowl on, he/she could recomend a layout for you.

I've seen in the past where ppl come to the shop and say, "i want my ball to hook." or "I want my ball drilled stacked" and proshop guys just do it to make the bowler happy. Without seeing how they bowl.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 06:03:23 PM by xrayjay »
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003


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Re: Ball Maintenance for a polished ball
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2013, 11:57:41 PM »
I am another that agrees with brunsmike I find that when I clean my equipment I get a different roll on the ball.