I can see speed dominant people (if the T-Road Pearl is hooking only 10 boards, I strongly suspect that person is speed dominant) not cleaning balls, polished or dull. They probably should sand balls, to one degree or another, before they ever use them.
For the rest of us, this minimal work helps to maintain the ball reaction. Contact of the ball surface t the lane surface changes the grit level anywhere from drastically to slightly. To maintain it you should polish it slightly, maybe even just by hand, when you see some dullness in the track area or in the range of 12 - 25 games.
Sometimes later, maybe in the range of 50 - 75 games, you should sand it back to the starting grit level and apply the same polish to restore the original level of gloss and grit under it. (This is why it is often best for one to put a level of polish on a ball that you know you can replicate.)