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Author Topic: Ball or Bowler  (Read 1851 times)

Michael DeSantis

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Ball or Bowler
« on: May 26, 2003, 10:06:26 PM »
Last weekend, I went open bowling with my brother as we often do. We started bowling with on a pretty fresh condition on synthetic lanes that developed some carrydown.  My brother used a V2 Particle and I the Vortex Afterburner.

We both struggled to find the sweet spot in the pocket for the first few games.
I then switched to the Spirit and my brother stayed with his V2 Particle.  I started stringing some strikes as I had more back-end and area than I had with the Afterburner.  Meanwhile, my brother continued to struggle for the most part the rest of the outing.

I told my brother that I felt that the Spirit matched up on these lanes better than our Vortexes and that was helping me score better.  He said I was getting "too scientific" on him and that he was just bowling poorly.  In general, my brother has maintained a higher league average than me over the years.   Neither one of us "was on fire", but I think that the match of equipment clearly gave me an edge over his fumbling and adjusting with the same ball.

I didn't continue on this topic with my brother, but what do you think?
"Chopping Wood For over Two Decades"

Edited on 5/27/2003 1:25 PM
"Chopping Wood For over Two Decades"


da Shiv

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Re: Ball or Bowler
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2003, 06:00:00 PM »
Michael DeSantis--
     Are you also the user listed on the user list as Mike DeSantis?  If you are, I sent you a PM on 5/1 that is showing as still unopened.  I'll forward it to you if you have dropped that name and are now using this one.

Also curious if you are related to the Tanya DeSantis bowling in the PWBA U.S. Open.

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Re: Ball or Bowler
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2003, 09:37:14 AM »
Sure, it was the equipment.  I've been there many times where I couldn't find a shot no matter what I tried, but after I switched balls (and that took too long)I struck like normal.  You still need the basic mechanics before you can benefit from an equipment change though.  A poor bowler with the right ball isn't going to suddenly shoot 700s.  Let's just say that the correct equipment allows you to bowl to your full potential.

Michael DeSantis

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Re: Ball or Bowler
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2003, 03:09:27 PM »
Splitz - That is how I see it.  The "old schoolers" (my brother is 10 years older than me), seem to think execution alone will score for you.  I believe today, quite often,  you need both good execution and a good match-up to maximize your score.
"Chopping Wood For over Two Decades"
"Chopping Wood For over Two Decades"

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Ball or Bowler
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2003, 12:56:46 AM »
I agree with you 100%. Many times I still hear the older bowler saying that the equipment was a waste and you can do anything you need with one bowling ball. That may have been true at one time, but by no means is that true today.

Your brother was using a V2 particle. If that ball was sanded to 1000 grit or lower there is really no way he could change his entry angle into the pocket, and sometimes that is all one needs. He could have had a strong breakpoint to the pocket, but maybe that same breakpoint would have been there but only 2ft further down the lane and that could have made a huge difference in carry.

Not normally in league, but any time I go to a tournament I always carry 6-8 balls with me. I usually leave 2 of them in the car and if you see me throw them you can pretty much bank that I am struggling. Just to have the options that 6-8 balls (or more on occasion) is a tremendous advantage to me. I could be killing the pocket with (for example) the Apex Adrenaline and not carry at all, but switching to the Freak Out (which for me gives me a similiar look on the lanes) and carry the shots that were not carrying with the other ball. Simply put this is probably due to the core and different cores will give you different pin action.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Ball or Bowler
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2003, 01:52:05 PM »
It is definitely first the bowler, then the ball.
If your brother truly felt out of sorts with his game, then changing balls wouldn't have mattered.

But - there have been many times that I could hit the pocket and get nine with frightening regularity - but had a shot 1-2 boards wide, and constantly left the corners. By changing to a ball that would "open up the lane" (give me 2-4 boards of area), I could carry much, much better.

Now - not everyone has that much equipment - I shamefully carry WAAAAYYY too much with me, so I have the option of switching to a ball that covers the same number of boards, but with a different surface, or different layout, etc...
But that strategy has worked VERY well for me in the past.

However - as I heard from a very well known pro - "If you've been through 4 or 5 balls, chances are it's NOT the equipment."
I start each day with yoga and meditation. I put my right foot under my left thigh. I put my left foot under my right thigh. I arch my back as much as I can, and then I begin my mantra: Ouch, oh, that hurts.

Edited on 6/4/2003 1:56 PM
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