I have to say that I am on the very high side of this pricing issue. I agree with MTD. Many goobers can bang 3 holes in the bowling ball. But there is a skill, craft, method to doing good plug work, the right way. No flat spots, color matching, finish surface. I think it says a lot about how much pride you take in your work as to how bowling balls looke when you get finished with them, whether plug work or drilling.
I charged $22.50 for thumb or fingers. $45 for the whole ball, +$5.00 for an extra hole. Grips and slug were extra. Most of the time I got the ball done next day, two days max. Resurfaced. I had a Cooke Sphere Machine and a Haus Machine, and two balls spinners. Kind of an assembly line. We started at $15. My shop was so small, it was kind of a supply and demand thing. It back fired in a good way I guess. The more I raised the price, $18, $20, $22.50, we just got more. There never was a day in over 10 years that I did not pour plug, ever.
The only craftsmanship/workmanship issue I ran into was with scribing balls. I scribed the lines on balls. There were a few people that didn't like it, but I wouldn't do it if they didn't want it. Usually when they found out why, they were fine with it, AND no other shops in Houston did it. So if you saw a ball on the rack during league with the scribe lines, 95% chance it came from me.
sorry rambling....