I've been doing my own work for about 1 1/2 years, so I'm still learning. I try to color match as close as possible, but I don't have any sort of color guide, so it's done strictly by eye and feel. I've never bothered to try and match color swirls - color matching is hard enough (especially with purples!).
I don't do it enough to really have it down yet, so I'm really just happy when I get the plug cut down close enough to not have to spend a lot of time on the spinner trying to smooth it down, and when I can minimize the number of chunks out of the plug (maybe I'm moving too fast?). I'm more concerned about avoiding flat/high spots than with the color.
Of the two shops that I used to use, one would do a fairly good job with the color match (no swirls), while the other would only do a clear plug.
I've seen a ton of poor plug jobs during leagues. I talking about plug that is coming loose from the hole, high/flat spots that you can see from 5 feet away, major chunks, etc.
I guess as long as the ball performs that should be the main concern, but I agree that a shop should take pride in their work.
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