Robert Mushtare eats cake while he bowls on cake.
Robert Mushtare was taught by Mr. Miyagi before sacrificing him to the bowling gods.
Robert Mushtare has given $0 dollars of his scholarship money to charity, an amount far greater than you'll ever give.
Robert Mushtare's morning wood is far greater than any deadwood you'll ever see.
Robert Mushtare's spares cure cancer, too bad he's never missed on his first shot.
Without Robert Mushtare organized crime in the bowling community would increase by 400%.
Robert Mushtare can not tell a lie. He's never had too.*
When you bowl Robert Mushtare you lose before you lace up your shoes... yeah, he's that good.
Robert Mushtare doesn't bring it, he has it delivered.
In a few short weeks Robert Mushtare has shot a billion 900 series, gained national public exposure, was on a syndicated television sation, and has his own t shirt, what have you done?
Don't trust the moustache