I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. P. I have bowled both ways but 99% of my career has been as a 5 step bowler. I am very in tune with my mechanics so I could go out right now and use 4 step....but it is a detriment overall in my opinion. The first step in a 5 step is a timing move.....it gets everything going in the right direction if employed properly. In a four step you need to get feet and hand moving at the same time.....which is always more difficult than concentrating on one limb movement to start you athletic motion in my opinion.
I count as I walk....an nice cadence to keep my rhythm. And as I count in my head each step has a job. One - left foot starts the approach, two - right foot and arm extend together, three - nice smooth backswing with no muscle, four - load up and get ready to explode, five - drive and slide.
Break down each step like this. Work on the timing associated and the task of each step individually. Spend one day just concentrating on the first dead step of the motion and having the right pace and stride. Then day two....work on the second step.....the push away and full extension as the right foot hits the floor. Day three.....nice smooth pendulum (NO MUSCLE, NO GRIP PRESSURE) backswing. Day four.....load it up....get that right foot (righties of course) up under the body in a "cocked" position ready to fire out. And day five.....drive off that right foot into the slide.
Isolate these movements individually in your practice sessions and you will see great results.
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I rotate depending on what I'm trying to accomplish, but for me the 5-step is far superior to the 4-step if you want to effectively bowl with power. I only use the 4-step or less when the lanes are fried and I need to move way up on the approach and take a significant portion of the heads out of the equation. To each their own, but I wouldn't make the change. If you are having timing issues, adding or removing a step will only be a temporary band-aid.