So a guy in the club I'm in plays without the thumb.
He gets quite a bit of rev, he throws above average speed.
Most of the time he stands on the left side of the middle, and throws his ball over the second mark out there.
Today he started throwing it over the third or closer to the middle, since it just slid through the oil it seemed in the 4th and 5th series.
He threw my Motiv Jackal ball twice. One time he threw it the same way as his own ball and then my ball went all the way over the left gutter, just missed the 7 pin.
Then I told him to stand far left and throw it over the mark he usually does. Then the ball went over on brooklyn, high one.
He says he want a Jackal too, he say he could get it to go into the pocket if he just throws it further out while standing far left.
BUT once the lane dries up a lot, he'll start having a lot of trouble imo.
Plus, the Jackal is an agressive ball.
I wouldn't recommend that ball for anyone who throw like that or 2 handers.
So which ball would you guys recommend to such a player?
Lots of people on Bowlers Uniting said Loco Solid and other balls for light oil.
But this guy seems to be drooling over the Jackal a lot
I highly doubt the PSOs here would recommend that ball to him.
Most of the time we play on heavy oil. On matches a bit less apparently, even though the alley guy tells us it's the same pattern as the one we get on practice.