a quick review:
I got my unit on Friday and gave it a go. first off, I will say my experience mirrors the posters above me who have used it.
first ball: storm virtual gravity nano (approx 50-60 games).
first I sanded the ball with a fresh 500 abralon pad on 4 sides then put it in the nuball. left it alone for about an hour and a half at 135 degrees. when I finally checked it, there wasn't any visible oil anywhere on the surface to wipe off. confused.
second ball: a highly used and neglected brunswick avalanche slide. (too many games to venture a guess.)
here's where the confusion disappeared. sanded the ball to 500 and put it in. left it for an hour still using the default 135 degrees. when I opened the top, the ball was covered in oil. pulled it out, cleaned it off and put it back in for another hour. same result. rinse and repeat for another hour. another hour goes by. pulled out, cleaned oil off and put back in for another hour. this time, there was far less oil, but still - cleaned it off and put it back in. kept checking every 20 minutes after. after about 3 1/2 hours it stopped producing oil to the surface. I then re-hit it with 500 abralon and brunswick high gloss polish.
third ball: storm modern marvel (approx 60-70 games).
sanded to 500 abralon, and saw similar results to the nano. i left it in for an hour at 135 degrees. while it produced a little amount of oil to the surface, it was mostly in the track area. cleaned it off and left it for another half hour, but didnt see any more oil to clean off.
I have some more balls to do, but I will say that in my limited tests, it's perfect for what it does for the price. I have no intention of dropping $1600 on a revivor oven, and also don't want to spend $20 a pop for a session in a revivor oven at a pro shop. while its not "set it and forget it" for a ball that's going to pour out oil, a little TLC over the course of an afternoon will produce very similar results to the revivor oven at pro shops.
thanks charlest for the recommendation. and hopefully your friend sells a ton more of these!