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Author Topic: I often hear 'this ball does not match with my style'....  (Read 1194 times)


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I often hear 'this ball does not match with my style'....
« on: April 04, 2010, 10:48:02 AM »
My question is... is it really the ball or is it the 'incorrect' layout used?  Granted, lane conditions dictate a great deal.  However, I believe ALL BALLS work.  Perhaps many work as advertised, but should it be the responsibility of the user to learn why it doesn't work?  Perhaps I may be naive to an extent, but I haven't a problem trying a look when said ball isn't what I originally thought it would be.



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Re: I often hear 'this ball does not match with my style'....
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 08:23:13 PM »
I have heard this as well.  heck, i have even said it.  I have since came to the conclusion that for the most part when a ball doesn't seem to fit a bowlers style, that is just a very condition sensitive ball.  

I had a ball, the Storm Trauma Response, that i really didn't like or use much.  But i took it to a tourney and ended up using it, and it was awesome on that condition.  I have never found a good condition for it since that tourney.

However, on the flip side, I had another ball that never seemed to work for me.  I had it plugged and redrilled 3 or 4 times and never got a good reaction out of it.  I gave it to a teammate that had a lot less hand than I do, and he loved it.

my personal conclusion, it is possible that a ball just isn't meant for your game but that is really the exception to the rule and rare.
"we can not solve problems using the same way of thinking that we used to create the problems"  Albert Einstein

Doug Sterner

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Re: I often hear 'this ball does not match with my style'....
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 08:53:57 PM »
As a pro shop owner I can tell you that there are certain style of bowler that will not match up with certain types of balls on a given lane condition.

This is one reason why a competent and honest pro shop guy is a valuable asset for any bowler. If the pro shop keeps records of purchases, plug and redrills, surface alterations and layouts it will help the bowler make better choices when buying new equipment.

For some guys a low rg solid resin asymmetric drilled strong and polished is a great ball. For other guys that ball will hook less than a Brunswick Power Groove.

If the bowler and pro shop guy both keep track of what works and what doesn't they won't be "reinventing the wheel."
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: I often hear 'this ball does not match with my style'....
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 01:35:13 PM »
For me, it's not the ball, it's the layout.  Like, I finally understand that Pin up equipment does not work for me regardless of surface, mb placement, lane condition, anything.  Too over/under for me unless the lanes are broken down.