YOu can have shorter league seasons. The entire league can be sanctioned in thirds (12 weeks). They have to sanctioned each third, to allow people to join or not those individual thirds. Or you can do it in halves. But the problem with that is usually the center doesn't want such a short commitment.
You can also have a singles league that is not guaranteed. This means that you show up if you want to, or not. Again, the main problem is that the center wants guaranteed lineage.
One league in our area has grown quite a bit. The reason is that they do side pots, brackets each week. Bowler or the month (you pay in $1 each week and if you are high series /male and female/ any week you have paid you are eligible for the bowler of the month roll off). But there's more side games and the regular bowling seems to take a back seat. At sweepers (they go to Reno) they have a Race to 6, 9 pin no tap tournament, doubles tournament and regular sweepers. They do other things as well, and its confusing. But all the side activity and different bowling formats has attracted a lot of bowlers. I don't know of alot of leagues that can floor 26 teams of 4 on Sunday night.
Another of our more popular leagues is the singles 9 pin no tap. Its not sanctioned. This particular one is for seniors on Friday afternnons. But they fill the 32 lane house each week. They also have side pots. Its not guaranteed, so you don't have to bowl if you don't want to. And yet they still fill the center each Friday.
As for trophies. I don't think adults want trophies. They might not want the small amount of money either. But they might want to bowl for restaurant gift cards, or other items. I don't know how much prize money you can possibly have from a $9/week league. That's pretty darn cheap. But if it were $12 and you bowled each week for say 4 $25 restaurant gift cards....maybe? IN a doubles format. One week can be Olive Garden, next week Outback. No prizes at the end of league, you pay out the gift cards that night. So its like having a sweepers each week. You could theme the entire league around local dining establishments. You might even get donated dinners. Like buy 3 $25 gift cards, get the 4th for free.
You could do a similar thing with state lotto scratchers?
Edited on 9/4/2009 1:46 PM