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Author Topic: Ball reviews ( in general)  (Read 706 times)


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Ball reviews ( in general)
« on: January 15, 2005, 08:05:03 AM »
Why do so many people post reviews on balls when they have NO IDEA what is happening or WHY it is happening?

 I read reviews that say " This ball sucks. It rolls out in the heads" or "This ball sucks. It slides through the breakpoint". How do they come to the conclusion that it is the balls fault. Just because it wont work for them the way they drilled it?

 If you have a weak release, and you drill up a dull, high flaring, particle hook monster, then try to play a burned out shot from the 35th board out over 10 at the arrows, why the heck try to badmouth the ball cause it "rolls out"?

 On the other hand, you have a monster release, and you drill up a shiny, low flaring, low reactive straight shooter, then try to play a flooded shot from the first arrow over 2 at the arrows at 20 mph, then badmouth it cause it "skids through the breakpoint"?

 Don't some people get it? You really can't give an accurate review unless you understand what the ball is doing and why! Otherwise, it is just an opinion and opinions are like a**holes. EVERYBODIES GOT A DIFFERENT ONE THAN YOU!
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Re: Ball reviews ( in general)
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2005, 04:16:36 PM »
I see someone else has had their fill of some of the people who are not quite "with the program".


Many of us have vented in a like manner over the past 2-3 years. It helps initially to make us feel alittle better, but experience shows that few of the people you are talking about will get the idea.

Some think they are actually helping; some are just feeding their ego; others are just not experienced enough.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Ball reviews ( in general)
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2005, 04:33:09 PM »
You have to consider the source ... pura and simple.

DAMN, I LOVE this game !!!

Robb in 1000 Oaks
**** Official "L/LM" ball "junkie" ****
 "Master the Lanes with Legendary hitting power" !!!

Robb in O Fallon, IL 62269 (near Scott AFB)
LAYBZZ74@AOL.COM (Email addy)


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Re: Ball reviews ( in general)
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2005, 04:36:06 PM »
Yea, and that's not even mentioning all the dumba**es that post " I SAW a guy using this ball and it's great", or "I am going to get this ball cause it is the BOMB, it ROCKS you A$* OFF" and crap like that from guys who don't even OWN the ball in question and have NEVER EVEN THROWN ONE!!!!!!!!!

 Dammit, this has really gotten me p.o'd. I know it's dumb, but sh*t guys, what is this site about anyway. What you THINK about a ball, or what you KNOW about one?
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Re: Ball reviews ( in general)
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2005, 10:38:23 PM »
I couldn't agree with you more Slinger,but in a way I can understand the thinking because I used to be that way myself.Some,if not all of these posters like the dork that posted the soon to be famous "the ball hooked at my feet and hit like a marshmellow" really ARE that ignorant.I've been there....They just need to be educated a little...Ignore list is growing all the time....
"Oh yeah sheriff,I meant to ask you,why are you following me?"....."I'd be delighted to tell ya Mista Bandit.Ya see,when I git ya back home I'm gonna find the tallest tree and then I'm gonna hang ya from it."

Edited on 1/15/2005 11:37 PM

Edited on 1/15/2005 11:40 PM
Girls make passes at guys with big glasses. Guys make passes at girls with big.......