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ball selection
« on: June 28, 2010, 04:24:40 PM »
does anyone else find themselves, more often than not,using multiple balls on the same pair. Spare ball.and a ball for each lane. I see good bowlers using their strike ball for all their spares,bowl a whole set and never switch balls. I am finding myself having to find 2 balls to fit one pair. It always seems to me that one lane is tighter than the other and i cant just change my shot I have to use to different balls.
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Re: ball selection
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 12:49:19 AM »
I've had to do that before, but it's more the exception than the rule.  Usually I start with a ball and stay with it unless there's a very good reason to change, especially on a league shot.


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Re: ball selection
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2010, 08:12:10 AM »
So far, I had only one or two times the impression that a pair of lanes (with the same pattern) would play THAT different that each lane would call for a separate ball. I would probably not do, it though, and try to make adjustments. Most of the times, differences are small enough to be compensated by release changes/differences or different lines, and in my case the pair of lanes would only be played in league for one game, so there is hardly time for ball experiments. Keeping things simple and making quick educated guesses about how to play are the bigger challenge. Using two balls would IMHO only make sense when the lanes are really oiled in a different way, AND if you play a pair for a longer period.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: ball selection
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2010, 03:18:23 PM »
If a bowler is good at adjusting his feet, ball rotation, and marks he can make it through a set with only one ball. Some people struggle with it and end up balling up or down.

I usually use two balls per ste in league depending on how the lanes break down. Over the top returns make moving left an adventure...if not impossible

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Re: ball selection
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2010, 03:29:46 PM »
it depends
it is rare that on a league pattern the lanes will differ that much, but whether its a mental thing or the lanes are actually that different. I can go both ways. Most times I just use the same ball for both lanes, and adjust my line or release. Now as we get later in the set, and the lanes get fried I change equipment to suit the lanes. But I have also used 2 different strike balls on the same pair. One of the advantages of having the same equipment and getting to know it's true charasticts is knowing what it can and can not do.
Most times though I just adjust myself to the lanes versus adjusting equipment.



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Re: ball selection
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2010, 03:34:46 PM »
There have been times on the "fresh" during league where I have a great look with a ball on one lane and a great look with something totally different on the other lane and end up using one ball on the odd lane and another ball on the even lane all night long.  Rare but it does happen.

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Re: ball selection
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2010, 03:46:26 PM »
We have one pair at our lanes that play like that.  Lanes 1-2.  Lane 1 will hook about 3-5 boards more than the rest of the house (after all the lanes are oiled) while Lane 2 will play about 2-3 boards tighter than the rest of the house, so you either need to play the lanes with much different adjustments or with much different balls.  Always need to keep that in mind in leagues where we switch pairs.


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Re: ball selection
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2010, 03:49:10 PM »
A lot ALSO depends on who else is bowling on the same pair and what kind of balls he is using.

Last week, I was usingmy normal medium-light pearl and their anchor started off with an Invasion (stock surface), then in the 3rd game switch to the Prodigy (also stock). He was going down the 5 board all night.

Thankfully I was only playing the oil line at 7 board, but the last shot I leaked one right to where this guy had bene playing and my ball made this huge left turn and went brooklyn. Wow, did he ever burn up the 5 board area.

If you have guys using sanded balls and playing the track area, you could be moving and changing balls all night long.
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Re: ball selection
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2010, 03:52:03 PM »
I actually like those rare nights when the left lane and right lane are night-and-day different. It's fun to constantly have to adjust and stay mentally focused. It reminds me of bowling on a sport pattern. However, it doesn't happen very often.  I had probably 6 or 8 nights in league where I had to do this.  Most of the time it was because the oil machine malfunctioned for a couple weeks.  I also had a few times where they didn't fully strip and reoil after open play, so one lane had a ton of carrydown from people throwing house balls all over the place, and the other lane had fresh, crisp backends. (That was my favorite -- going directly up the 5 board with soft speed with my Cell on the left lane, getting the ball to hook/set at about 30 feet, and swinging 18 to 5 with a lot of speed on the right lane with my Reign)


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Re: ball selection
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2010, 01:32:44 PM »
I find that I am not as consistent as I need to be and switching balls plays into my inconsisitencey. Say for instance I am playing up 10 and getting tapped on one lane and striking from the same line on the other. Its easier for me to pick up my next ball and play the same line then it is for me to find where to carry from with the same ball. And adjusting for carry is a great short coming of mine.
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Re: ball selection
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2010, 12:10:13 PM »
I have sometimes just because I couldn't get that one lane figured out and by using something different it felt better mentally. I usually only have to do that a few times in a season. Similiar to Dan B's reason.

Now my big problem is when I do that and forget which ball is for which lane. OOPS!
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Re: ball selection
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2010, 01:48:01 PM »
I've thrown two different balls on the same pair because they hooked totally different, or because I couldn't carry one lane no matter what I did.  I never switched balls on one lane just so I could throw the same line on both.
Telling it like it is.