I actually like those rare nights when the left lane and right lane are night-and-day different. It's fun to constantly have to adjust and stay mentally focused. It reminds me of bowling on a sport pattern. However, it doesn't happen very often. I had probably 6 or 8 nights in league where I had to do this. Most of the time it was because the oil machine malfunctioned for a couple weeks. I also had a few times where they didn't fully strip and reoil after open play, so one lane had a ton of carrydown from people throwing house balls all over the place, and the other lane had fresh, crisp backends. (That was my favorite -- going directly up the 5 board with soft speed with my Cell on the left lane, getting the ball to hook/set at about 30 feet, and swinging 18 to 5 with a lot of speed on the right lane with my Reign)