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Author Topic: Ball shopping where to start, any suggestions?  (Read 707 times)


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Ball shopping where to start, any suggestions?
« on: February 22, 2004, 08:38:49 PM »
So i have been browsing throught he reviews here, and kinda narrowed it down to a Inferno or a Raging Inferno or a Hammer brand ball, lookin at the Disel line and big blue.

And after browsing i have realized that im a cranker...    I am currently bowling with a Blood red/white preadator (which got great review's here) I really like it but it seems like it doesnt care for my cranker style to much, and the heavy oil, and i think its carrydown? that i have been bowling in on my leauge night.

The ball is, a ball i got from my friend, so its not exactly drilled for me.   I realize that practice, and not a ball is gonna help me out in my game.  But i would just like to get  soemthing that is drilled for me and would fit my cranker style well.  I have thrown my friends inferno, and it seems to really like my crank, and after reading up more on the Raging inferno im thinkin it would like it even more so im kina leaning towards that one.

What do you guys think?

Edited on 2/23/2004 12:35 PM

Edited on 2/23/2004 2:50 PM