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Author Topic: Ball Speed  (Read 2471 times)


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Ball Speed
« on: August 19, 2009, 12:08:07 AM »
Any good suggestions on how to increase ball speed? I throw around 17 mph and have have a pretty good rev rate but keep hearing my ball speed is low! I was watching an old show and Chris Barnes and Walter ray were around 20 mph.


Dan Belcher

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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2009, 08:23:24 AM »
17mph is not that slow.  Now, the question is, how are you measuring your ball speed?  The CATS system, etc. usually used to measure ball speed on the PBA TV shows measures speed closer to the front of the lane.  The Qubica scoring system measures ball speed just before the pin deck.  Extra time on the lane, friction, and more angle on the backend of the lane than the front part of the lane all combine to make your ball speed lower according to Qubica than CATS for example.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2009, 03:16:21 PM »
I believe it to be around 3 mph difference on qubica correct?
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It all depends on many factors.  How much friction is present on the lanes themselves, the length and volume of oil, what ball you're using, what line you're using, etc.  But yeah, 3mph is a good ballpark for most "normal" conditions.


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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 01:10:12 AM »
I have a question about this.  Is it wrong to alter your speed my changing your cadence to the line?  As opposed to raising or lowering the ball in your stance.


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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2009, 01:38:19 AM »
I have a question about this.  Is it wrong to alter your speed my changing your cadence to the line?  As opposed to raising or lowering the ball in your stance.

I think it becomes critical when you move too fast for your pendulum. Thze result can easily be fast feet, or you have to muscle the swing to catch up with your footwork (which can be done to a certain degree in the forward swing), and you might adjust the pushaway to get everything back into sync. Not an easy task, and IMHO you need much training and routine to be able to make this adjustment properly when it counts.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2009, 01:55:14 AM »
Who's telling you 17 mph is slow?? I'd be aware of jealousy in this case if you're one of the better bowler's your leauge. Sometime's people like to tell other's their back swing is too high or low, or their speed is too slow or too fast just so they can knock you off your game.

I alway's have several people telling me that I'm throwing the ball too fast. I average around 17-19 mph depending on the day. The last time I had a guy tell me I would do better if I slowed my ball speed down I shot 740 against him. He hasn't bothered me since.

If you're bowling well with your current game then take this guy's advice and take it with a grain of salt. I don't change anything unless I'm struggling then I might take some advice from another person.
Mike Zadler
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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2009, 02:06:38 AM »
Who's telling you 17 mph is slow??

Yeah, right. Speed alone does not tell much. If it matches with your revs and your equipment shows a proper reaction on the lane (skid/hook/roll) and impact in the pins, I would not worry too much.
If you need adjustments to the lane, different hand and wrist positions asa well as surface changes on a ball can also do wondrous things - raising speed always bears the danger that you "overpower" the ball, so that it cannot react anymore.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2009, 02:33:44 AM »
Dizzy, thanks for your thoughts.  I do agree it can throw off your timing, mostly making it late when you go faster.  I brought this up because my footwork has more effect on my ball speed an anything else if you don't count the release, from my observation and playing around a lot with different things.  Naturally, I change the speed of my push away to match up.

It just bugs me that people like Barnes and Mika can go so (seemingly) slow and still get the kind of ball speed they get.  My rev rate is only 275 max so I don't need a lot of speed all the time, but there are times I wish I could throw 18-19+ since I think my speed is normally 15-16.

Edited on 8/20/2009 2:36 AM


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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2009, 03:10:15 AM »
It is all about timing, and a proper speed/revs ratio. I come from fast feet when I started bowling, I had to plant the shot and wait for the pendulum, everything was off. Today I'd say: ugly things...

I was lucky to get some good support from high level players and a youth coach, and the most important thing that impoved my game was slowing the feet down. I was astonished how much time you actually have on the approach when you get your feet in sync with the pendulum! I was even able to slide, and the consequence until today has been a much better timing and much more leverage on the ball, with added effects such as a cleaner release of the thumb, less loft, and a much more powerful ball recation, despite just 14.5 mph ball speed (Qubica) and guesstimated 300 RPM. Sounds pretty mediocre, but for me and my stroker game this is more than enough - thanks to an improved timing and more balanced game and style.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2009, 05:07:45 AM »
Is your power step slow as well, or just the first step or two(in a 4-step)?  I can start slow, but I'm pretty sure proper timing is supposed to have you take a quick power step.  I'm not doing it that way, I'd say I'm more likely to be consistent that way if anything.  But I only get about 15mph I'd say off my hand, and I would like to be able to use increases in speed as an adjustment instead of only moving on the approach.


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Re: Ball Speed
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2009, 06:53:37 AM »
I am not sure about it, I need to take a style video... but I start pretty slow, and I take large steps (I start from the last row of dots, being 6' 3" or so tall, and I take 5 steps). I just recognize that, since my timing has become better, I can really "push" myself forward for the slide with my power step, and that I generate a lot of momentum in the downswing from that improved synchronicity of movements.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany