i saw that one earlier and to be honest with you, i don't see how the super glue is going to hold a 14-16# ball when it's spinning and you're putting pressure on it. what i did was take i drill and bore some hols thru the flywheel depending on the material of the flywheel. one of mine was cast iron and the drill had no problem at all, the other was thick, hard rubber which was no problem there either. if you wanted to glue the bolt 1st, i could see using that to make sure the pot was straight (oxymoron), once you've got it perfect, then drill the extra hiles just to be safe. 2nd, make sure you use the heaviest and crummiest ball you have as a trial ball. act as if you were resurfacing the whole thing, that way you won't come up with any unpleasant surprises. as for tank, i agree with your analogy, i tried my 3.5 hp to see haw fast it would go when i 1st hooked it up, it blew the finger inserts (which were super glued in) right out of the finger holes and shot them across the garage. scared the beegeezees out of me. i had to mark the control panel in 2 places, one for cleaning, and a slower one for changing the surface. my question would be for buggs, how do you hook up a fan speed control ? i'm not mechanically inclined and i don't want to start a fire, my wife would kill me. is it fairly simple?