I built my own for about $60.00, but I am lucky that I have a lot of scrap and stuff around my shop (we make aircraft parts).I used a 1/2hp capacitor start Dayton motor out of a wrecked washing machine $20.00, a blade spindle assembly from a riding lawnmower including a 5" pulley (bought used @ lawnmower repair shop 10.00), drive belt, 2" drive pulley for the motor,large door hinge, and a appliance leveling bolt with foot ( all purchased at Ace for 15.00), large plastic flower pot from Walmart for the splash guard 5.00 on clearance rack, and 2 cheap stainless steel mixing bowls at Target for 5.00ea. I also used a 30" piece of angle iron ( had at the shop), 1/4" 4"x8" scrap piece of aluminum plate, pigtail and switch from an old parted out cheap drill press, assorted nuts,bolts, and washers that we have thousands of, and a nice old unused work bench. What I did was cut a hole through the table and the plastic flower pot bottom and ran the blade spindle up from under the table with the pulley end down and the blade adapter side up and mounted it all with 4 bolts and some washers, then mounted the large hinge to the table leg and the angle iron between the 2 end table legs as a cross brace( you will se why soon) then mounted the aluminum plate to the other side of the hinge and the motor to the plate with the drive shaft facing up and level with the blade spindle pulley that is already mounted, next I drilled and tapped a hole through the aluminum plate level with the cross brace on the table and at the opposite end from the hinge and threaded in the leveling foot, installed the belt around both pulleys and screwed in the leveling foot until tension was applied to the belt then I nested the 2 stainless steel mixing bowls together for strenght and drilled a bolt hole dead center in the bottom, and bolted this to the blade adapter and there you go! I have mine set up as a single speed unit right now at 690 rpm and it seems to do everything very well. I may install a fan speed control later just for grins.