I need help understanding where I am wrong here, so maybe one of the experienced league bowlers here can show me the light.
One of my leagues finished our season last night with sweepers, roll-offs, season awards etc. We all received our "pennies" for point money and sweepers. Then the season awards were paid out.
The league is a lower skill level mixed league with a handful of scratch bowlers mixed in on a few teams. The handicap totally favors the higher average bowlers(80% of 200) and on my team I had one vacant(140) and two new bowlers who are really just learning the game. We joined this league as a way for them to get better and have a good introduction to the game. This is a league where if you won every point and award, you still only have lunch money.
OK, now the problem I have trouble understanding. One bowler, Gary, had the high scratch series at 811 and none of the handicap bowlers had a handicap series that was higher. The closest was a 772 scratch series and with handicap it came to 806. The league paid the 806 as the season high series winner. This baffles me to no end, however, it gets better.
I had the only scratch 300 game in the league this season. The closest to me was another scratch bowler who shot a 298. The league paid out the 298 as the high game for the season. The closest true handicap bowler high game was 290, but that bowler didn't win anything.
When I questioned the league secretary and president about this, they both immediately said "that's just the way they do it here".
I've ran this through my mind since last night and just can not see a way that this is valid.
Am I missing something??? The league doesn't use a negative handicap, so Gary's 811 was actually the high handicap series and my 300 was the high handicap game. I'm confused.