As far as I am concerned, using a 180 and 360 grit pad is required only when the ball is tracked out, which must be a very rare occurrence these days. Mostly because balls are very sensitive to surface and most will show changes in reaction long before being tracked out.
Even when a ball is not oil soaked but is showing reaction changes, refreshing the surface often calls for a 500 grit pad at most to start the process. For 95%+ balls sanding it with a 500 grit pad, using something like Clean and Dull as a lubricant, is more than enough to restore life to a ball. Then taking to the ball to the proper grit level, whether it being going directly to a 4000 grit pad or using every intermediate grit level (1000, 2000) before the 4000 grit pad.
Heck, in fact, many time it is not absolutely necessary to go down to 500 grit, unless the Ra really needs to be restored from scratch.
That said, RG and Storm's new covers seem to need serious refreshing almost every 10-12 games. So users of the Theories and Nanos should be warned their reactions may deteriorate rather quickly, unless they are diligent in maintenance.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." "Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."