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Author Topic: Over Sliding  (Read 896 times)

Sean John 369

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Over Sliding
« on: July 16, 2008, 07:50:30 AM »
I have a tendency to slide over the foul line.  I've tried stepping back on the approach but i overcompensate.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to stay behind the line?  I need to chop my toes off i guess.



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Re: Over Sliding
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 04:03:13 PM »
Put something, like a towel, at the foul line. You dont want to step on it so you automatically shorten your sliding step.
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Re: Over Sliding
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 04:04:49 PM »
Imagine there's a 1.000' deep cleft behind the foul line, with crocodiles...

But seriously - do you think you slide too much/far, or do you think it is because of your steps or speed in general. In the first case, some rougher soles and/or heels should help, in the latter case you should play with your starting position on the approach - either moving back to compensate, or even move closer to the foul line which will force you to slow down your feet.
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Re: Over Sliding
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 10:09:09 PM »
   just so you know moving your feet back on the approach will increase your foot speed(makes you take longer strides, can throw your timing off if your having timing problems).. thats a no,no.. during a practice session try this.. without your ball walk off a couple normal shots to see how close you are to line(maybe even going over the line is ok) your footwork to see how long your steps are.. if you are 6inches over the line, move up 12inches to start.. take your normal footwork and cut your steps(the distance of your normalstep)in half if not more(making you first and second steps much shorter) want to walk heel to toe trying not to lift your feet off the ground(almost sliding them to start).. this will actual slow your feet down a ton.. it will take alittle time to get comfortable,especially if you been dealing with this problem for a while.. once you have become comfortable with it you will notice that your timing has also gotten alot better.. when you perfect it you will be able to move your feet forward and backward to adjust your speed on shots and etcc,etccc(but thats another show)) hope this helps.. if you need anymore help with this or have a question plzzz ask..  slashrr69

Sean John 369

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Re: Over Sliding
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2008, 12:12:35 PM »
Hey  DIzzy,

I think it's my foots speed.  I practiced last night and noticed this.  I have fast feet.  when i get goin i get goin.  Slow feet throw me off sometimes.  I'll try all suggestions.  I noticed that i take shuffle steps not heel toe.  Im going to practice some more tonight on that.  Thanks again!