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Author Topic: Ball thefts in lanes  (Read 2182 times)


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Ball thefts in lanes
« on: July 26, 2004, 11:02:20 AM »
Has anyone had the bad experience of balls being stolen during a tournament between sessions?

Someone walked off with my sons 3 ball bag and 3 balls in it. Had his name and stuff on a tag from going another trip. He shot a 289 the squad he qualified with one of the balls. Crappy thing to do whomever it was.

I just got back from a vacation, my idea was to contact the police in the area, he has all the serial numbers on old tournament sheets.

He was wondering if anyone stupid enough to bowl a tournament or earn a award with them would send those numbers into ABC and maybe in the future it'd come back on the guilty party?

He was ready to retire the one ball, it was a special plastic that helped him win some money because of the spares, another he bowled his highest series with, and the other was fairly new.

I'm kind of tempted to call and put up a reward for their return, but that kind of seems silly.

Fortunately they didn't take all his stuff, he beat the next 3 guys and won more than what they stole. That makes me really proud of him. Some may have been luck, but he hung in their. A lot of folks would've been too bummed to bowl.
Any been there done that type stories? Must be others had it happen to them.



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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2004, 03:17:41 AM »
WOW!!! That new ball story should make him feel a little better. That stank.
Sentiment has a value too but bucks is worse. I got plenty of shots when he went to nationals with his spare ball, it stood out, that was how I found him. I told him I may buy him 3 or 4 like it before they stop making them. When he came home, I showed him how many shots I had with him and the spare ball in hand, figured he didn't do well. (wink) worst year. Reno was tough on him.

It'd be cool if his stuff showed up at his next outing. That would be weird to have a different vehicle and have it happen.

It's at leat 5 years or more he's been going to tournaments. We love to go as a family, wish it didn't cost so much to travel. A lot of guys who know him, would know his spare ball if they saw it. we've seen only 2 or 3 in the past few years like it while out. Been to marathons, bowled every squad and never saw one like it.


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2004, 03:21:24 AM »
A friend of mine left one of his balls on the ball return. When he got to his car, he discovered it  when he was lifting his 4 ball roller into his car. He went back inside to get it and it was gone that quick.

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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2004, 08:49:05 AM »
Ther has been a rash of that stuff lately.  Weird stuff too.  There was a ladies league that had about 4 or 5 balls stolen.  A little kid had his 10lb. ball and bag stolen.  Weird.


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2004, 08:56:29 AM »
Last season my son had an almost new SS Pearl stolen from his bag, and a few weeks later his cell phone "disappeared" from his bag at another center. The ball has never shown up in any of the local shops (most know me). Seems like the society we live in keeps losing it's integrity.
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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2004, 09:00:50 AM »
That is just terrible. I knew golf clubs have been getting stolen but bowling balls? I would put a heads up in a the local proshops to see if they show up. Chances are the crook wasn't local.

Sorry to hear that.


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2004, 09:34:29 AM »
I'm always amazed going to NEBA tournaments, etc. that more equipment isn't stolen.  Honestly, with umpty bags and ball all over the place it wouldn't be tough to walk out with something.  A fried of mine has a full tote stolen...which really sucked for him as he had a basically new Black Rage in the bag (this was about a year ago).

The oddest thing I have ever seen was an older lady had taken my friends shoes out of his roller and put them near her bag were she was bowling.  We still can't figure out what she was thinking??
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2004, 02:53:01 PM »
Thanks for all the sharing people. I wouldn't expect it to happen in a mechanics room.

My son said this house had a video camera in the place, he's considering going down to see if it's on tape.

One good point for my son, he was considering going out and buying a whole new arsenal for a few tournaments coming up, he was losing faith in some of his old stuff. BUT we often take 10 or more balls on a long haul. This knd of may be a blessing in disguise.

We were at a  tournament once, guy led the whole weekend. Last day some local came in , quit in the middle of a squad, drove home came back and won the $5,000 with a plastic.

Maybe mom will tag along and be the bowling caddy. (smile) We met one couple, the wife would watch and tell him when to change balls, I need to learn more about the different balls to do that.

I went to a demo and like the diesel they had there, couldn't find one to buy, got a turbo diesel, it was rough, the one I liked was polished (whatever term) guy polished it and my first time out I bowled pretty darn good.

You people sure have some clever tag lines.

The Older We Get, The Better We Were

AW come on there, we get better with age. I hit 50 and had my best average ever. But then again lane conditions and balls do help. Funny thing though how many woman in the fun leagues don't understand it. Use plastic and get grumpy when I strike and they get splits with what looks like the same hit. BUt I throw a slight curve spinner not a back up or straight shot.


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2004, 03:01:24 PM »
Im curious now, what kinda spare ball did he have?
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2004, 04:46:32 PM »
The spare ball was a flashy plastic, he's seen little kids bowl with them but we haven''t seen many at tournaments. It was red white and blue, stripy flag type stlye. At first he felt funny bowling tournaments with it because it stood out, but after a while it became like his little signature thing.

He just read the other guys posting, seems some of the balls are popular. Think he said one was trauma ER and other was another someone mentioned, forget now. He's off to buy new balls. It stinks because he'll probably have to order them and he wants to bowl a marathon in about 2 weeks. Not much time to get them and get used to them.


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2004, 05:05:44 PM »
My wife had her ball taken while I went to get food we ordered and she went to the bathroom. I recovered it while changing all the ball returns...stupid kids!!
185 avg with 8lb polyester ball


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2004, 07:54:57 PM »
The spare ball was a flashy plastic, he's seen little kids bowl with them but we haven''t seen many at tournaments. It was red white and blue, stripy flag type stlye. At first he felt funny bowling tournaments with it because it stood out, but after a while it became like his little signature thing.

Ebonite Yankee Doodle?
White Dot


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2004, 12:29:36 AM »

Ebonite Yankee Doodle?

That was it, he said thanks for the link. He's going to a shop tomorrow that had 2 a few months or so back. If he can't get it locally he'll surely use that url. He's hoping to find one for a marathon the weekend of Aug. 4-8/


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2004, 02:30:31 PM »

i know what you mean though, if it was his signature ball...i kinda want a cool looking plastic ball but my black ebonite maxim will do the job for now, the soccer ball seems cool

Funny you mentioned soccer ball, he was going to look for one of them because as a kid he'd practice bowling at home with a deflated soccer ball. Do the approach and throw it into the couch.

When he tells locals, first question, did they get his red/white/blue..
He's made several 7/10's with it and other difficult splits and it looks cool the red, white, blue. But he does say the back end of our local house makes it easier to make a 7/10 than other houses.

I kind of like the red/white/blue, when I tag along, I see that and I find him easier when he moves. (smile)

Actually, it's more sentiment with the red white blue......... at the tournament he made a 6-7 or some other hard one with a different ball. Any plastic would do for him.


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Re: Ball thefts in lanes
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2004, 02:51:38 PM »
was a victim as well,I left a Cherry Bomb on a table
right across the front desk.I went to my car,but
strangley enough I didn't notice it missing for over 2 or 3 hrs
til someone said,"hey where's the Cherry Bomb you were gonna
show me"...yep..ur then I realized it got lifted.

Dang,and I give balls away,all the crook had to do was ask,oh well
ya cant win em all.

Anyway ya look at it,being ripped off whether you watch your stuff
or not by someone who does is not a nice person and its uncool.

This thing happened over 10+ months,I've been much more careful

Be cool peeps and watch your equipment.
