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Author Topic: Remedy RX - Striking fear in other bowlers  (Read 2329 times)


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Remedy RX - Striking fear in other bowlers
« on: January 15, 2009, 03:06:29 PM »
Tonight was an interesting night... I saw with my own eyes how much Remedy RX scared the competition. There always is that one team/bowler in every house that can't stand not being the best and today was my encounter with that team.

I bowl every Thursday night at a local house with 4 great drinking buddies. We don't bowl to win, we just have fun, nothing serious, good games, bad games, it's just fun to bowl with this group.

After the first ball bowler A from That Team pulls me aside and says, "new USBC rules state that you cannot spray cleaner on a towel, You cannot use that towel for the rest of the night." alright....I guess if that's the new USBC rule... I'll follow it. I pull out a new towel, take my bottle of Remedy RX, place the ball on a ball cup and spray the bowling ball. I then proceed to wipe the ball with a smile on my face. USBC says I can't spray our CERTIFIED cleaner on a towel? then I am going to spray it directly onto the ball.

After a great game of me following this new cleaning routine dubbed "The Correct Way." Bowler B then comes up to me and asks "Hey, what cleaner are you using?" I say, "Let me show you," I walk and get my 32oz. bottle and calmly state "It's a great cleaner. It's USBC certified for before, during and after competition. If you're interested in looking under for acceptable cleaners, you'll find this cleaner under V for Valentino Bowling - Remedy RX Cleaner." He then shouts out to Bowler A, "Hey Bowler A, it's USBC approved" I then reply, "This is a big bottle, so if you'd like to try it, you are free to spray it on your ball and then wipe with your towel." no response, so I sit back down and continue the cleaning routine after every shot.  

Following the third game That Team huddles up behind our lanes, just talking and staring in our direction. I had a decent finish for a 699 series, a series which beat all of theirs. Maybe they'll try to outlaw Remedy RX from the league.

lol. you can be sure I'll be on the phone with USBC tomorrow to get a verdict on the usage of a towel during league play. But it is amazing what some bowlers will do or what lengths they will do to try to disqualify you. I've printed out the USBC rules and am going start carrying them in my bag from now on.

makers of Snake Oil, Remedy RX & Resurrection

Edited on 1/16/2009 2:17 AM



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Re: Remedy RX - Striking fear in other bowlers
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 11:34:54 PM »
Some guys have to win by any means possible, I bowl in two men's league both have 2-3 of the smuck teams in them. b1tch, moan and groan and always cannot seem to bowl there own weight lol


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Re: Remedy RX - Striking fear in other bowlers
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2009, 07:46:50 AM »

You're getting to be a regular freaking riot. I hope it was worth it, taking your ball off the rack and bringing it back to "clean" it after every frame. Don't think I'd have the tenacity to do that, but soemtimes you have to make a point.

No, no there's no such rule as you can't use a wet towel EXCEPT at Nationals!

When I have cleaned my ball during league, I will still get some bowlers who'll tell me that that's illegal. I inform them otherwise.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Remedy RX - Striking fear in other bowlers
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 11:30:17 AM »
Sounds like bowling in Clintonville, bowling with growen men that act like they are about 10 or 12
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Re: Remedy RX - Striking fear in other bowlers
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2009, 12:42:13 PM »
USBC ruling - As long as the towel is saturated with an USBC certified cleaner, like Remedy RX, it is within the rules to wipe with thausbct towel. BOO-YAH!

CharlesT - You have no idea how angry my team and I was with how they classified us as cheaters. They watched our every move as if I was going to do something sneaky, and they still lost.

Mainzer - Yes, we bowled a team of babies.


makers of Snake Oil, Remedy RX & Resurrection


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Re: Remedy RX - Striking fear in other bowlers
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2009, 12:56:18 PM »
USBC ruling - As long as the towel is saturated with an USBC certified cleaner, like Remedy RX, it is within the rules to wipe with thausbct towel. BOO-YAH!

CharlesT - You have no idea how angry my team and I was with how they classified us as cheaters. They watched our every move as if I was going to do something sneaky, and they still lost.

Mainzer - Yes, we bowled a team of babies.

makers of Snake Oil, Remedy RX & Resurrection


I had no idea it was THAT bad. I empathize with your situation. I thought it was more of a bad joke, one comment by one lone schmuck.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."