So after my big long tirade about the shot at the house I bowl at and my mechanical problems, and the numerous good advice I got, I figured it out. I've got this tape from back when I was bowling well, when the only thing I had to concentrate on was which board I wanted to hit, and I've been watching it over and over and over again. Tried to return a few things back to what they were, but something still wasn't right. I realized that I was tilting my wrist, and that was causing me to dump it, but I remember being able to tilt it back in the day and not have any problems. It's the simplest, dumbest thing, and I don't know how I even thought about it, but the ENTIRE reason for my problem was my middle finger. I was relaxing it and basically wasn't using it for anything more than to hold onto the ball with. That's why I was dumping the ball, wasn't able to project, etc. I didn't initially think it had anything to do with my fingers because I tightened them up, and was getting plenty of revs. However, I found that my middle finger, while tight through the armswing, played absolutely no part at the release.
Everything's great now. I'm projecting well without even really trying, getting plenty of revs (like normal) but now my speed has come up quite a bit. The ball is saving energy better, hitting harder, reacting cleaner, and I've found that this house isn't that tough if you play straight up 7 or 8 and really zing it down there. It's dry enough early enough that it picks up and really slams into the pocket. I'm kicking 10's out again on half pocket hits, mixers are taking out the 7 (which usually stands at this house on light hits), and I didn't have to drill a urethane or plastic. Lol, I'm able to use a stacked Hot Rod Hybrid straight up 7 in a dry house, go figure. I might actually feel comfortable posting a video now. I've still got a little bit of a weird style, (chicken wing it a little, and pull up with my wrist a quick second in the middle of my backswing), but it's a thing of beauty once I let go.
Hey, I am NOT Michael Jackson. I like little GIRLS, not little boys . .
Rock on kitty.