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Author Topic: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?  (Read 1462 times)


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Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« on: April 20, 2009, 12:52:08 PM »
Anybody go from 15lb. balls to 14 lb. balls and then go back to 15 lbs? If so, I would like to hear your reasons.

Lack of carry, poor reaction, no advantage etc. etc.

Let us know your experience with such a change.

And, please include your original reason(s) for dropping to 14 lbs.

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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2009, 09:02:57 PM »
was at 15 for many years, but elbow pain and not wanting to quit forced me down to 14.

i read up enough for me to be convinced to try giving 14's a shot.
equipment is so strong these days, that 14 can get the job done.

been @ 14 for 4 months, and i don't have elbow pain or wrist pain.
i get a bunch more revs and speed.

the good out weighs the bad imo

i get some funny leavs from time to time, but the control i have is better @ 14, and i get more strikes.

eventually i will go back up to 15, but not today
i still have several 15's to play with, but i am going to take it easy on my elbow for a while
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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2009, 10:54:35 PM »
Good thread dicnic.  I've been wondering the same thing.  I haven't made the switch to 14 yet.  I actually still go back to 16s once in a while.  My go to Shift is 16 & I can't seem to leave it at home, LoL.  Been thinking about a 14 in it.


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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 11:39:35 PM »
All my stuff is 14lbs, except my 15lb Break Pearl. So on some days, my first shot will be with a 15lb ball, and my spare will be with a 14lb ball. There's a difference, but not so much that it really bothers me. If I could go back, I'd get the BP in 14 instead of 15 just to keep everything the same, but the weight switching doesn't bother me and I love the thing too much to let it go just to switch weight.


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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2009, 11:53:09 PM »
I went up to 15 over a year ago, and I've been wondering about going back down to 14 so I'm sort of the opposite of what you're asking.  I just can't bring myself to try 14s again, even though I like the fact it's a little lighter.


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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2009, 12:05:44 AM »
A little different situation. Started throwing 16 lbs 28 years ago. Two years ago switched to 15 for a year (I am almost 47!) but switched back to 16 this year. I threw 15 too hard to compensate for the additional revs of the lower weight. Still throw 16 around 18-19 mph with a rev rate around 275-300.


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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2009, 01:10:04 AM »
I've got 14, 15 and 16 in the bag. Back and forth constantly. I've never really had a problem with it (since I put my wrist troubles behind me, anyway).

I can't tell a difference until I get to 14. Then it's almost too light for me.

There are some carry differences at the 14 level, IMO. Not better or worse, just different. Your playable angles might change depending on your revs and speed. For me, I can't get inside with 14 pound stuff because I won't get the 10 out.



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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2009, 01:30:15 AM »
There are some carry differences at the 14 level, IMO. Not better or worse, just different. Your playable angles might change depending on your revs and speed. For me, I can't get inside with 14 pound stuff because I won't get the 10 out.


Hey Jess, do you think this is because of the weight alone, or could it be because of the ball burning up or the change in core dynamics?  Or do you just have too much speed with 14s and the ball isn't able to hit as a result?  I felt my 10-pin carry went up slightly at 15lb, but I also feel like I got better, so I don't know if it was the weight or some of the above things.


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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2009, 01:55:10 AM »
There are some carry differences at the 14 level, IMO. Not better or worse, just different. Your playable angles might change depending on your revs and speed. For me, I can't get inside with 14 pound stuff because I won't get the 10 out.


Hey Jess, do you think this is because of the weight alone, or could it be because of the ball burning up or the change in core dynamics?  Or do you just have too much speed with 14s and the ball isn't able to hit as a result?  I felt my 10-pin carry went up slightly at 15lb, but I also feel like I got better, so I don't know if it was the weight or some of the above things.

I think weight is the biggest factor. The pins weigh around 36 pounds as a group, so a 14-pound ball is 38.9 percent of the weight of the pins while a 16-pound ball is 44.4 percent, a significant increase.

I also used quite a few different 14-pounders (Roto Grip Epic Saga, Storm Dark Thunder, Track Solution Power Plus EX, etc.) and had the same issue with all. If it's core dynamics, it's consistent across different cores.

My speed control is pretty good, and I do rev a 14-pounder better than the heavier stuff, so my vote goes to (a) my basic rev rate and (b) the weight of the ball itself.



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Re: Ball Weight Change, Then Revert?
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2009, 02:57:34 AM »
What I find weird about it is that it's only when you get inside.  That's why I guess it could have been the ball burning up, since there's a longer path for the ball to travel.  If it's not that, I'm guessing the same as you about the rev rate along with the weight.  I believe my rev rate is similar to what you think yours is and we seem to have the same problem.  Someone on this site uses 14lb but has a rev rate of 350+ and his carry is fine.