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Author Topic: ball weight question?  (Read 1841 times)


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ball weight question?
« on: November 10, 2003, 05:30:53 AM »
Ok,  i'm 20 years old and i've been bowling since i was about 8 years old.  My family owns two bowling alley's and i carry a 200 average.  My style is what you would consider to be a smooth cranker.  I put a lot of revs on it w/ little work and have an above average ball speed.  I have been using only 16 lbs balls for the past 4 or 5 years.  I had a 14 pound ball when i was in 8th grade but, I have used 16 ever since then. I have a question about ball weight.  What is the differences in using a 15 and 16 pound ball.  I am going to order a new Time Zone and i don't know if i should drop down to a 15 lbs ball or stick w/ a 16 pound ball.  What do you all think would be the advantages and dis advantages of each of these?

Edited on 11/10/2003 10:07 PM



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Re: ball weight question?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2003, 09:39:28 PM »
I am strongly considering getting a 15 pound ball next.  Like a poster stated,  I get all my stuff for cost from pro shop supply companies and etc.  I bowled 9 games yesterday in the Ky State Bowling Tournament and this is one of the reasons I am considering getting a 15 pound ball.  After the "team event"  we had about 2 hours of free time before we switched houses to bowl "singles" and "doubles".  Sometime during this amount of time my arm tightened up and my arm hurt so bad during the singles event.  It started hurting between my wrist and my elbow about half way between them.  It didn't hurt except in my back swing and it felt like a sharp pain.  The thumb whole in the ball I was using is a little bit large for me because I had it drilled out because of thumb swelling problems a while back.  However,  I put non-slip gel on my thumb before we started "doubles" and my arm didn't hurt as bad in my back swing.  What other advantages does a 15 pound ball have over a 16 pound ball.  My Style is like a right handed Parker Bohn III.  Do you know if he is using a 15 or 16 pound ball??


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Re: ball weight question?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2003, 04:38:52 PM »
Any other comments?


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Re: ball weight question?
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2003, 09:05:34 AM »
Less weight basically means more deflection.  Many bowlers will favor
a lighter ball - like a 15 pounder - when the lanes are dry or the back-
ends are screaming.  This is especially true when solid 8 and 9 pins
start appearing on solid pocket hits.  Which, as you probably know, is
caused by too little deflection from the head pin.

Also, when the lanes are dryer, the lighter ball allows you to make
adjustments in speed (if necessary) with less toll on your body.

Pick up a used or cheap 15 pound ball to try on dry lanes and see
if it makes any difference for you.  You won't know until you try
and the proof is in the pudding.  (cliche et vraiment)
Questions?  Drop me a line: haestas-(at)

Edited on 11/12/2003 10:03 AM


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Re: ball weight question?
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2003, 01:44:41 PM »
I can recall money bowlers practicing/using 17lbers during black rubber days for more carry.

Are you sure about that?  I didn't know anything over 16# was ever made since it wouldn't be legal.  Are you talking about heavily "loaded" balls?
Penn State Proud


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Re: ball weight question?
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2003, 01:05:56 PM »
All I know is a freind of mine shot 84something with a 15 pounder.
I'm 6'1" 270 pounds and throw a 15 pounder without any loss in carry.
Good Luck!!!


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Re: ball weight question?
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2003, 05:35:43 PM »
you can get more revs and more speed on a 15 lb ball.
you can control a 15 lb ball easier than a 16 lb ball.
a 16 lb ball will always carry better and hit harder.
Use the heaviest ball with which you feel comfortable throwing 8-15 games at a time.
A 15 lb ball is easier to throw faster on drier lanes to produce more effective backend, better length and more revs and better carry.
a 16 lb ball is easier to throw slower on heavy oil lanes to produce more backened, more revs and betetr carry.

I personally find it easier to throw a 16 lb with a more relaxed, pendulum-like and muscle-free armswing.
I personally find it harder to throw a muscle-free, pendulum-like armswing with a 15 lb ball.

In general, a spare ball, 1 lb lighter than your strike ball will be easier to control, throw straighter or hook as needs be.
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