No more trolls than here. I just see more ego and holier than thou attitude on the PBA forums. People truly try to help here. 1/3 of the discussions are about how to "save" bowling. The same arguments have gone around for 5 years from the same people with the same names being called.
I think more bowlers know about ballreviews than the PBA. I'll have brand new bowlers asking about info from BR while never watching the PBA on Sunday.
Yes the West region is rediculous, it's mostly the same 4-5 guys with different screen names thinking it's amusing while rating figjams, getting 9 alot, going off on unsuspecting UT fans for no reasons, using the crowbar to victory, and general complaining about being DONKS. But I can't say I haven't contributed to the DONKness...
*...Got the 5 out clean!
To prove I'm real 270-2931 on 3/1/2009 6:25 PM