From the posters here and why:
1. Riggs- multiple Eagles, multiple regionals, didn't he do "Clean 90". This guy can fricken bowl!
2. Me- weak bowler goes here right? I've been around the block a couple times. Don't know about the "huge Track supporter thing" but I did love a large number of 'em. Won some stuff, just ask me, right JLS? I used to could fricken bowl!
3. BrunsNick- don't you put your next weakest bowler here? LOL! Nick has game and he's young. I can remember when I..... He strikes every shot in his videos!! He can bowl!!
4. AChappy- Didn't he used to be Team USA? Smart guy too! This guy can fricken bowl!
5. Jeff Carter- Exempt dude, multiple regionals, averaged a lot in league one year, on Guardian to boot. This guy can fricken bowl!
I had to go with guys that I have actually seen bowl. X Guy used to could fricken bowl and man is he smart. In case you didn't notice, that is my ultimate compliment on your game, you might be standing around with Greg Hoppe and Sixkiller talking about bowling, and say oh yeah, that..... guy. Man, he can fricken bowl! Now C_J?? He can fricken bowl, and we have shared a beer or few and a Jager Bomb or two, but he don't post enough. BrunsRic, he is handsome, posts often, but I never seen him bowl. BrunsBob, holy crap, before he fell off his house, he could fricken bowl!! Bamaster, he won a regional, but he can't fricken bowl. Off to bed....
I've started messing with my site again, wrecking it myself:
www.mikeaustinbowling.netCheck out Tony's Journals - they are FREE!! on 7/11/2008 0:46 AM