I personally believe it is a humidity issue. Why.....because here in Florida, we keep our house at a constant 78 degrees during the hot months which is most of the time, yet on certain days the house feels warmer than other days. I check and it always states 78 degrees.
As a result I have 17 balls crack all the way around the ball since 2013. I keep them in plastic bags and rotate them every 30 days. Frankly, based on my experience I don't think any of that effort amounts to a hill of beans but if you believe otherwise, I respect your beliefs.
Nine 900 Global/AMF, Six Storm/Roto, One Columbia 300, and One Motiv.
I was completely surprised when I found my Chronic Paranoia drilled in March 2017 completely cracked in July 2017 as I have never personally heard of a Motiv ball cracking outside of the original Tag. Motiv honored under the 1 year warranty.
The real kicker for me was a AMF "Unreal" purchased on closeout & drilled in May 2017, yet I was not in a position to throw it until August 2017 when I discovered it was completely cracked from thumb all the way around to the ring finger.
Damn, I will always wonder what that ball might have been, but I'll never know.
I always believed a ball increased in diameter from humidity until the pressure cracked the cover stock. Yet, my PSO tells me it is the opposite. Balls actually
shrink which results in a ball cracking. He showed me a number of balls which he put his Pro Sect on and they were smaller & out of round. I'm not an expert, so I can't dispute.
Either way, the modern bowling ball is costing me much more than I would prefer. But as the old saying goes, life is to be enjoyed and you can't take the money with you.